Howdy partners, hope you've recovered from the last blog on men who refuse to go down. Hows the reading on tantra sex going?
Now let's address this matter of marriage. It seems a lot of people don't know the origin of this custom, so I'm going to break it down like a drug dealer who's just bought a box.
Now let's address this matter of marriage. It seems a lot of people don't know the origin of this custom, so I'm going to break it down like a drug dealer who's just bought a box.
So what is this whole "I Do" business about and where does it stem from?
Let me start by saying that marriage has given mankind the home, and the home is the crowning glory of the whole long and formidable evolutionary struggle. Marriage mating grows out of bisexuality. Marriage is man’s reactionary adjustment to bisexuality to encourage heterosexual relationships as only man and woman could get married. The family structure is the result of all such evolutionary and adaptive adjustments. Marriage is the institutional response of the social organism to the ever-present biologic strain of man’s never ending urge to reproduce. While religious, social, and educational institutions are all crucial to the maintenance of cultural civilisation, the family is the master civiliser.
Let me start by saying that marriage has given mankind the home, and the home is the crowning glory of the whole long and formidable evolutionary struggle. Marriage mating grows out of bisexuality. Marriage is man’s reactionary adjustment to bisexuality to encourage heterosexual relationships as only man and woman could get married. The family structure is the result of all such evolutionary and adaptive adjustments. Marriage is the institutional response of the social organism to the ever-present biologic strain of man’s never ending urge to reproduce. While religious, social, and educational institutions are all crucial to the maintenance of cultural civilisation, the family is the master civiliser.
As much as this is only a tv program, you can learn a lot about how a family should work from this show. Love it.
Civilisation has increasingly demanded that sexual desires be appeased in useful channels which conform with the mores and thus the institute of marriage was founded. In primitive times marriage was the price of higher social standing; the ownership of a wife was a badge of honour.
The institution of marriage predates religion. The only reason why and how the church/synagogues/religion got involved in marriage was because man wanted to get a blessing from the priest to ensure that the woman he was marrying wasn't barren. Men were to make dowry payments as in pay for the bride. Lads we know what it’s like going on a date spunking dough only to get a peck on the forrid... It hurts. Men would go to the priest just to make sure that the woman he was marrying could produce a 5 a side footie team.
Babes what do you mean your head is banging,? You never had a headache when you was spending my money. Watch the clip.
Marriage was an investment, a business matter more than anything else. Primitive man married for the advancement and welfare of the group. A lot of Asians still adhere to this ideology which has developed into their custom of arranged marriages. Their secure family unit is admirable. Marriage was more permanent among the primitive people than it is now. Maybe our parents do actually know best. Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder.
The wedding ceremony was simply the union of a man and a woman witnessed by both sets of family. Marriage was a man's way of saying to the family of the bride and the community that this woman is mine and every other man should back the hell up.
Men have it really easy now when it comes to marriage. Back in the primitive times if we wanted to take a woman's hand in marriage we would have to perform various tasks and participate in certain games to show that we was the right man for the woman. In those days a father would not allow any Tom, Dick or Kunle to just come and pick up his daughter. You had to prove your worth. A prospective husband was required to live with the bride's family in their home for at least one year to stake his claim and prove he was worthy for the wife he sought. This whole marriage thing is not some sort of curse on a man; it is an outward expression of one’s inward devotion for the woman he is stealing away from her family.
Marriage was needed as women were seen as the property of the father, who then transferred ownership to her husband, hence women taking the surname of their partner. So to all you women who have problems with taking a man’s surname; please stop being rebellious. I blame Pastor Beyonce Knowles and Sister Rhianna of the 7th convent.
Up to this day I wonder how a woman can fight for equal rights but still adhere to religious text that seem to have been written by misogynistic men.
Fathers wanted their daughters to be married before having kids. It was a must. A woman who had a child out of wedlock was deemed a disgrace. An illegitimate child fell into disrepute and the man who had impregnated the woman would be forced to marry her or killed. Another reason why I say a lot of men have failed their daughters. No man should allow a man to impregnate his child and then bounce. It’s not on (another blog for another day).
So you want to fark my daughter, give her kids and bounce? I'll show you cut throat.
So DEAR.ROB, Thanks For That. So If Many A Man Would Want Their Daughters To Marry, Why Are So Many Men Opposed To It?
Because some of you bra wearers are money hungry. Yes, money hungry. Many of you are just after the notoriety and many a man have noticed this. How many of you women would be happy with a man buying you a ring, a wedding dress, taking you to a registry and done? It's OK, I can wait. All these big glamorous weddings displayed by hollywood have put an image in so many women's heads that most men have said to themselves " Is my woman more concerned about the day itself or what happens after it?". Why should a man have to spunk 15k on a wedding to please everybody else? Why not invest that money in a business for the two of you to set your married life on a good plain? But in saying that there are men out there who actually want this whole big ceremony, however this is to voice the opinion of those who don't.
I know a man who took out a loan to get married, divorced and is still paying that loan off. I feel for him, no Barrymore. The cases we see in the news of women divorcing men and taking half of their money do not help matters. Yes there are cases where women could be said to have helped the upkeep of the home, but half, come on talk about urinating in someone's face.
And you wonder why a lot of men are opposed to marriage. Bloodyclart piss take.
Ladies, help us to help you. I hear women talk about this big wedding they want and yet some do not have a penny to their name. So you want this big wedding and want the man you're with to empty his pockets to finance it. Remember marriage is not a binding contract. A lot of emphasis seems to be made on the wedding day. One should be committed prior to saying " I DO ". Please don't assume that him saying "I DO" is going to change any negative traits in him. It is merely words hunny, merely words.
I can't begin to Imogen what his wife is going through.
Any woman I marry will need to know that I am not
Help us to help you... If all you keep talking about is the big wedding this and big wedding that many a man may be put off. We can't act like money doesn't matter, it does. Unfortunately the bulk of the money comes from the man. Why not use that money to invest in a business that could help you and your future family? Yes businesses may fail but I am sure you get the point that the money used could be spent investing in your future.
5k + to use a stately home for a wedding, you better hit the pole babe.
Men let's not shy away from marriage, as much as it is not needed to prove your love for a woman. Many a woman would LOVE to get married. For some it gives them a sense of security just knowing that they have a ring on their finger and that they share your surname. Also lads, might I add that a woman does not have to give a child she bears your surname if she is not married to you, she does not. So it actually works in your advantage to marry the cow.
We as men can't in one breath be against marriage and then in the next breath want for our daughters to get married. It is hypocrisy in a tuxedo wrapped in fine linen. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Also let's not forget the way things are going now she doesn't even have to be married to you to get some of your cheddar. So by not tying the knot, isn't really going to stop her getting some of your gwop.
Help us ladies, to help you... when you start talking of these big extravagant weddings, it may put many a man off. As some may think "I love you anyway so why the need to spend 10k to show this?" Looking at the divorce rates I think it is safe to say that marriage doesn't secure anything.
Hey J hoe, I mean J Lo *honest typo*. What's that, marriage number 3? Well don't let it 'affleck' you babes.
One thing that still puzzles me is people who do not believe in the bible, do not attend church but will hop skip and jump to a church to get married by a priest/pastor. I am still flummoxed at this. Oh and if you're a woman and you subscribe to a religion. Help yourself, you can't be having sex before marriage and then use the same bible to advocate the fact that it's good to get married. Did you miss the not having sex before marriage part? Do you really fear G-d? Do you want the G-d you serve to bless your marriage? Oh and might I add, if you're a Christian it states in the bible that one is not allowed to
It's a shame that marriage has become intertwined with religion. Marriage started out a family affair and through the years have become what it is now. Commerce tends to be the driving force behind the evolution of most customs . Wedding ceremonies boost the economy just like Easter, Valentines day and Christmas day does. Do we really need these days to show someone we love them? Shouldn't this love be shown regardless?
I'll leave that for you to decide.
Oh and for those who asked the reason behind the wedding veil being worn, initially it was worn as a relic to hide the brides face from the ghosts, evil spirits and jealous demons. Just in case they decided to inhabit her and make her barren. People of those times were very spiritual and skeptical hence the man visiting a priest, prior to the wedding ceremony, to assure him that the woman he was marrying would be fertile.
Bish better give me boys or i'm getting a refund.
If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.
I love this!