Saturday, 9 July 2011

As a woman does earning too much hinder my chances of settling down?

Salutations all... I know some of you have been waiting for this one so I will get stuck straight in... No foreplay, no caressing, just straight action.

Just A Brief History Lesson As I Oh So Love To Do:

The contemporary idea of sex equality is admirable and worthy of an increasing civilisation, but it is not found in nature. When might is right, man hoards it over woman; when more justice, peace, and fairness prevail, she gradually emerges from slavery and obscurity. Woman’s social stance has conventionally varied contrarily with the degree of militarism in any nation or age. However, man did not knowingly nor intentionally take woman’s rights and then gradually and grudgingly give them back to her; all this was an unconscious and unplanned chapter of social evolution. When the point really came for woman to enjoy added rights, she got them, and all quite irrespective of man’s conscious attitude. Slowly but surely the mores change so as to adapt for the social adjustments, which are a part of the persistent evolution of civilisation.

It was Science, not religion, which really disencumbered women; it was the modern factory that largely set her free from the constraints of the home. Man’s physical abilities became no longer a cardinal essential in the new maintenance mechanism; science so changed the conditions of living that man power was no longer grander than woman power.

Hey Margaret, I can finally buy what I want, when I want...whooo hoo and guess what? I haven't done the dishes.

These alterations have led toward woman’s liberation from domestic slavery and have brought about such a modification of her status that she now enjoys an amount of personal liberty and sex determination that practically equals a mans. Women have now been liberated; they no longer need to rely on men... Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I guess we'll let time decide. 

So What Is The Role Of A MAN ? What Part Is He Supposed To Play?

I will start by saying this. A woman wants a man to be a man. When she has to wear the baggy trousers and steer the ship, just know she might 'SinBad'.

I believe a man's role is to Provide, Protect and Secure. From the primitive times man has been a hunter. He would go out into the bush all day and night until he came home with a cat, goat, rat no point bringing a cow home, he's got one already *chortles*. Back in those times a man would have to go through a series of tests to prove to the family of the bride that he could protect her... This could mean him having to fight fellow tribe men, or having to kill an animal. Also in these times a man would have to stay with the bride's family for a year to prove he had the skills to be able to secure his woman. Hmmmmmm I wonder if these things should be put back in place.

For those who do not understand what it means to protect, provide and secure here are the oxford dictionary definitions:

Protect: Keep safe from injury and harm.

So for all you men that take pride in hitting are clearly not protecting your woman. You are supposed to be keeping her safe from injury and harm but you're finding joy in pandering her eyes.

Provide: To supply sufficient money to ensure the maintenance of someone. 

Wow, yes provide for your woman means you must be able to give enough resources to maintain her. It's for this reason I chortle when I see men who are just getting by trying to date and they wonder why they get rubbished. No man would want their daughter dating a broke man but yet men complain about women wanting men with money. It's a man's job/role to provide; it's a shame that the gender roles have been disorientated somewhere down the line... Hi Margaret Thatcher.

Secure: Feeling confident and free from fear or anxiety. 

Now if you're having bailiffs knocking on the door, have a car which always breaks down on you... I'm sorry but it is likely your woman is not going to feel secure. Having your woman feel secure is one thing that is imperative. If she can't get that feeling from you she may get it from elsewhere. One thing I always say is "Under-promise and Over-deliver"...women hate being let down. Being constantly let down is one thing that will make a woman not trust you.

Lord why did you punish me with him?...i thought love was all we needed.

Now that I have broken down the roles of a man, I can now address the topic.

OK DeaR.Rob, What Is The Average Earnings Of Jock Strapers And Bra Wearers?

The average salary in the UK, according to the National Statistics survey 2010 shows that men who work full time on average earn 25k a year.

So as you can see the average man earns 25k a year, which means this is what the average Kunle earns. So the average guy who bumps into you on the street, this is what he is taking home. Yes there may be some who will earn more and yes there will be some who earn less.

So if you as a woman earn anything more than that, it is likely you will be in trouble if you are looking to date what is deemed as a man with an average salary. If you're a woman who is earning let's say in excess of 60k a year, just be aware that there are a lot of men who will refuse to date you unless they are earning more than that.

Almost a third of working women out-earn men...this was bound to happen with more women going into further education than men but in saying that there are many a man who are earning money but just not registered with the inland revenue if you know what I mean, but in the corporate world women are slowly but surely getting there.

But what the Fark Dear.Rob...Why should what I earn be a thing?

The way i abhor this song..."if you cant pay my bills, then we can't chill"....Kilo Mike Tango.

No man wants to be rubbished (there are exceptions to the rule but this does not disprove the rule).

Let's say you are earning 60k and he is earning 25k... you two are on two different playing fields. He is Arsenal and you're Barcelona no matter how tidy your defence is, things can get 'Messi'. 

Just saying a quick hello to the Arsenal supporters...bring back any memories?

If he is earning 1.6k after tax and you are earning 3k. Your money can stretch much further than his. The clothes you wear and the places you go may not fit into his budget and no man (yes there are exceptions to the rule but this does not not disprove the rule) wants to feel inadequate when relating to his woman.

Well I guess it's the thought that counts aye?

Let's just imagine you're at your Xmas dinner and it's time to pay for the bill... you slip your bank card under the table for him to pay, he gives it to the waiter and the waiter is like "Errmmm sorry, Sir this seems to be a woman's card". The way mans balls will shrink.

When it's time for birthdays, even when he wants to buy you gifts, if you're a KG wearing Louis chick, as that's what your money can afford, it's going to be a struggle for you to wear a pair of shoes from Zara that he buys you for your birthday. As much as you may wear them... I doubt very much you will when doing fancy fancy. The way them shoes will get dash to the back of the wardrobe after one wear. A man does not want to be stunted on while he is dating... no man wants to be embarrassed. 

Let's say you're a Claridges sort of chick and he is a Pizza Express sort of guy. His money can't reach Claridges, so if you guys go on a double date with your work colleague, it is you that is going to have to fork the bill. Like Mark Morrison's's not a good look.

Women are credited on their beauty and how they can keep a house... Men are credited on wealth and power. By the woman being the bread winner, she has automatically stripped a man of that credit and hence the 'man' title. If you are earning drastically more than your man, it's you that is the umpire; he is the athlete running to the sound of the shot.

Most men like to show off, we like to impress our woman and unfortunately the way things are in society it is done with wealth. Taking a woman to the park for a picnic because it's all you can afford is not is thoughtful when he chooses to do that when he could have done the fancy. It is two different things. Hence the reason why I always tell a woman that a man spending money on you means nothing if he has disposable income. A man with money... it's his time and mind you need those are the two things which he holds precious. Him buying you a £300 bag is nothing to him. 
Hopefully this will shut her up.

If you live in some 4-bedroom house in the country and he lives in a 2 bed flat in an underdeveloped area...I can bet my bottom dollar you are not going to want to move in with him and I would advise that no man moves in with a woman if he doesn't want her to turn into a bully in the playground and takes his balls away.

He's having a laugh if he thinks I am moving in here with him.

The standard practice is that a woman moves in with the man not vice versa. As far as I am concerned a man should pay the bills in the house and a woman should contribute, not the other way round. I don't know what kind of man would feel comfortable contributing to the bills. He better not be doggying her and asking "who's the man, who's the man"... I am sorry dude you aren't the man. She is providing, protecting and securing you, unfortunately... she is the man of the house.

It feels great to be in house my rules.

We can all sit here and pretend that money doesn't matter... Money is power period. A broke man can not throw his weight around. That's why I *chortle* when I see women allow broke men to give them the run around — and no I am not taking shots at men who are not doing well for themselves, but with the definition of what a man is meant to an asthmatic with no pump, you're struggling slightly.

Family issues.

You could meet the girl of your dreams... you will find that if you are marrying into a wealthy family... they may turn their nose up against you. Love is great but I am not letting no man who can't Protect, Provide and Secure my daughter marry her. Hell to the MF no... So what happens when you impregnate her and she is on maternity leave. Please I beg go that way>>>>>>>>>>>>>Now jump off the cliff<<<<<<<<<<. So its time for you to get married, and as the woman, you have to contribute to the wedding ring you want... and to the dress you want. If you are a 100k a year chick... yeah love is great but I doubt very much you are going to want to wear a 1k wedding ring. You most probably have jewelry that costs that. Once again a man may feel inadequate. The lifestyle that the family have given to her, if you as a man cannot match that you may be in trouble. Most dads are not interested in all that love shit for their daughter. They are interested in whether you can provide, protect and secure her. If they realise that you aren't bringing anything to the table, apart from your short arms and deep pockets, you may be dismissed nicely.

How dare you want to marry my daughter...the  insult. Get him guys.

If as a man you were raised in a home where dad was the breadwinner, it's going to be very difficult for such man to now allow a woman to steer the ship. He isn't used to it; he doesn't know what it means for a woman to be calling the shots, hence why he may not want to date a woman who is earning drastically more than him. As much as we can say that a woman doesn't need to call the shots when earning more than the man... I'll be damned if I am a woman earning and a man is telling me what to spend the money on; sorry it isn't happening.

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

It's sad to say that all these man-bashing songs that the likes of Pastor Beyonce Knowles have sung in the past have caused a huge problem. The whole 'can you pay my bills?' nonsense 'if not you and me can't chill' has led/made so many women pretentious. To the point that so many men would never even dream of dating a woman who is a high earner. What happens when this song comes on when we are in the house? All this independent woman nonsensical nonsense is yet another thing that has put a man's back against the wall.

All these battery power packed anthems have given women this unnecessary form of ego to which is not needed. You are not an independent woman. If you know how to pay YOUR bills it means you are an adult. How many times do you hear a man saying he is an independent man?...It's OK I can wait. It's these sort of songs and renditions that have put so many men in the mind-set of not wanting his woman to earn drastically more than him. The last thing a man wants is to be rubbished.

I have been in shit cars and the rubbishing I have got from girls who were in nicer cars isn't a joke... like they look at me, smile and then take a look back at the car and I can just see their brain thinking "Computer Says No". Any man who has driven nice cars and driven bangers will tell you the difference having money makes. Two identical twins at the traffic lights, one is in a Range the other in a Golf... Who are you going to give the time of day to? The question doesn't even need answering.

India Arie said I am not my ladies please understand, I am not my car.

I am no saint but one thing no girl can ever call me is a waste man, I have never ponced off a woman. Never tried to live in her house. Nope sorry not this dude. You can me a galist, a player but you can never call me a waste man. If you're about to date a woman who's boyfriend was on his thing, a high flyer and you aren't saying much... may the force be with you. It has been proven that men find it hard to go back sexually and women find it hard to go back lifestyle-wise. If her man had his own place, took holidays 3 times a year, bought her nice gifts, took her nice places, it will be hard for her to go back to farking in your mum's house and going to Nando's.  Money may not be able to buy you love but it will buy you things that girls will love you for. A woman can get comfortable with money.

Women who earn a lot tend to work long days, some up to 13 hours... You can't expect a woman who has done this to come home and do the cleaning, cooking etc... She will not and this is where problems may occur. Gender roles have shifted without knowing; the house keeping is no longer being done by the woman as she is too busy. Yes some can juggle but if we have both had a hard long day at work, a man cannot expect a woman to be doing the cooking. I wouldn't expect my women to come home and cook after doing a 13 hour's not fair. I need her for the bedroom... she can put her brain to good use in there.

I am tired of using the lotion.

No man ever wants to be told off by his woman for not pulling his weight unless she is a personal trainer. Hence why dating a woman who has more drive than you can be a problem. I have heard several women say the reason they left their partner was because they outgrew him. This simply means she is somewhere in life where he isn't. Plain and simple.

OK so you've rambled on...Where to from here Dear.Rob?

In the ideals of pair marriage, woman has eventually won acknowledgement, distinction, equality, and education; but will she prove worthy of all this new and aberrant accomplishment? Will the contemporary woman respond to this phenomenal achievement of social liberation with idleness, indifference, barrenness, and infidelity? Today, in the 21st century, woman is undergoing the crucial test of her long world journey!

Each sex has its own peculiar sphere of existence, together with its own rights within that sphere. If woman hanker literally to enjoy all of man’s rights, then, sooner or later, pitiless and emotionless competition will certainly displace that chivalry and special consideration, which many women now enjoy, and which they have so recently won from men.

Civilisation can never annihilate the behaviour hiatus between the sexes. From age to age the mores change, but instinct doesn't. Innate maternal affection will never allow emancipated woman to become man’s serious rival in industry. Forever each sex will remain cardinal in its own domain, domains determined by biologic differentiation and by mental disparity.

Many a woman who are high flyers in their industry seem to not have kids...being a woman as stated already hinders one's progress in the working environment as the maternal instinct is innate in most women. I know so many young female teachers who because of their workload have said there are not sure about having kids.

There was a season of the apprentice where there was a woman who has a cleaning company...she goes out to bring home the bacon while the man takes care of home and looks after the kids. Now this works for them but unfortunately I don't see this working for many a man because of the physical nature of a man and the maternal nature of a woman...woman has been led to the home and man to the field to work.

He better of cooked after all this shit I'm doing for him.

Unfortunately women are going to have to accept the fact that they are going to have to find a man who is willing to stay at home and tend the house or deal with the fact that they may be single for a while. If the hours you work impinge on the upkeep of the home it will cause a problem even if you and your partner earn the same. 

If times get hard and you as the woman are the breadwinner, it only makes sense for him to quit work and stay at home looking after the child. It has to be something your man is prepared to do. I am not sure many a man will be happy doing that but with the way things are going and the fact that a third of women are now earning more than men coupled with the fact that in the UK and most parts of the western world women outnumber Giggs would say "Jheeeeze", can you 'imogen' the problems women who are earning a lot are going to face?

The truth is that with the way women have been liberated so many many of them have got on their low donkeys, which has unfortunately pushed so many men against the wall. As stated all this independent nonsense has made man further say to himself if I can't do more for her than she can do for herself then its long. No man wants to be rubbished by a woman and secretly when you have to pull a man along you slyly loose respect for him, not in all cases but many.

Knew we should have taken my car.

A man who meets a woman who is a high flyer and who works crazy hours is just going to have to be prepared to be a house husband or pay for a nanny to look after the kids... As for me, I am not having any nanny look after my kids... nope sorry. Women have been liberated yes but I get a joy in being able to provide for my woman and family. I can't have a woman taking that mantle upon herself...I just can't.

This is where men need to buck up their ideas and hasten to the way the world is changing. If we as men allow women to start earning more than us and becoming the man of the house then we are going to have to take our roles in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning as well as doing the school run while our women go out to work.

I cant, I am sorry I just cant.

No one can tell a human being not to aspire to want to succeed, so I would never say to women to stop achieving; it's men that need to pull up their pants because if this shift occurs, many a man are going to find themselves in the kitchen or more and more women will be single.

A man's ego will certainly not allow him to live off a woman or be beneath her... it's just what makes us men. There are some who can do this... there are many men who can, but I don't see an alpha male dating a woman who earns drastically more than him. If you as a woman are earning more than him... you are the provider. You are the man of the house as you are earning the bulk of the money.

Listen fool, you may have a penis...but I run things round here you mofo.

Both of us can't be working crazy hours, not saying that all well-paid jobs that women do require long hours, but most of them do and if these long hours restrict you from your womanly duties at home you are going to encounter problems.

This new shift is going to be interesting... One needs to see whether man can adapt to this or whether more and more women are just going to find themselves single. You never know, toy boys may become the new craze as seen by so many of these cougars.

If you're looking for a man to complete you... you've missed the whole point.

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