Thursday, 28 July 2011

PRIDE: The Biggest Co%k block Known To Man?

Well, well, that dreaded word pride. That thing that can make you think that the light at the end of the tunnel was a train when in reality it was a man with a helmet with a light on it coming to help.

So What Is Pride?
According to the oxford dictionary pride is:

"the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance".

Of all the hazards which plague man’s transient nature and imperil his spiritual integrity, pride is the greatest. Courage is heroic, but egotism is vainglorious and suicidal. Reasonable self-confidence is not to be condemned. Man’s aptitude to transcend himself is the one thing which demarcates him from the animal kingdom.

Pride can be fallacious, bewildering, and sin-breeding whether found in a person, a group, a race, or a nation. It is literally true, “Pride goes before a fall.”

One of my favourite quotes from the book called ' The Art Of War' is "
Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance". *chomp on that for a second*

Now one would say " What is wrong with having a high opinion of yourself and of one's importance?", the problem with it is when you think you are better than others, so then you harbour contempt for those around you.

Oh pride sure does come before fall, watch the video if you can. Start watching from 1.15 seconds.

One thing I always say is, " If it's perfect you're looking for, take a look in the mirror and tell me if you see it. If you do, practice safe sex and do one". Nobody who walks the earths surface is perfect. We are all trying to perfect our imperfections.

You are your greatest invisible foe which can be manifested in four different ways. Anger, Pride, Deceit and Greed. Mans greatest victory is the conquest of himself.

You Know It's A Wrap When She Goes Out And Buys A Cat.

Well mines retired now, so I thought i'd buy a new one to stroke.

Please I come to you in the mighty name of Iqbal of the seven seas and treacherous clouds. Dont let your pride leave you like the woman in the above picture. The RSPCA couldn't revive her pu$$y, so she had to buy a replacement. This pride some of you women have is :( . How can you ask of a man to do more for you, than you can do for yourself? Are you taking the Michael Stevenson? You want a man with a Beemer Benz or Bentley, when this time all your money can reach is a Skoda, Daewoo or a Uno. Let's be real, this is why some men call women gold diggaz. You are a gold digga if you are looking for a man to do things for you that you can't even do for yourself. If you as a woman can, then all your doing is trying to find someone on your wavelength which is fine. This pride is a real real real cock blocker. Cut your cloth according to your size.

Many times I have been out and I have seen girls with their face push up, like to say they've been baptised in lime juice. Why are you mean mugging? What is the meaning?

What is the meaning?

Do you lovely ladies know how much courage it takes to actually come and lie to you? I mean speak to you? *honest typo*. I really wish the tables could turn so you wombman's could see what some of us have to go through. I won't even lie, certain times I've got stage fright. Proper fumbled my words.

Quite a few times I have spoken to a girl and she is doing guy, acting like she's fly, bloodyclart insect. How can a whole me be talking to you and you're giving me rhetoric? So what do I do? I walk off in mid convo. 7/10 times the silly trollop comes to speak to me and asks why i walked off? Why I walked off? I walked off because you was taking me for Dillon McSweeney,  that's why. And then she hits me with more rhetoric, " You should have been more persistent". Persistent? What the fark? I showered, put on fine fine garments, sprayed 'Acqua di gio'. I even came to talk to you and you're asking for persistence. I beg, my name is not Kunle Adepoju.

Lads if you don't know, get to know.  It's expensive but why blend in when you were made a stand out.

Seriously this pride is a joke, it's even got some of you girls who want a relationship, saying that you are 'single by choice'. How can you want to be in a relationship, yet be single by choice? If the choice is really in your hand, how about you chose to stop being single? I thought you had the choice, thought you had the power. Go on then. If you are single by choice, chose to stop being single right this minute. Or is it the man you want that is making you single? If I go to a restaurant where they are serving pork and I don't eat pork, then it isn't a choice as I dont eat pork. Oh pride, it can proper give some a pillow for comfort. Bit like when a woman says "oh we've been seeing each other for 5 months", sorry to burst your bubble, you've been farking for 5 months. What is seeing each other? Is that what you have settled for, for the past 5 months? ... Cool.

Pride is a real cock blocker, it really is. Pride will get you acting stush when a man wants your number. Pride will get you seeing his call, missing it and calling him the next day. Most men haven't got time for these games. Yes I will admit there are some assholes in this world but I'm not to blame for the pain that was caused by previous cats.

Don't let your hurt and pride make you lose a good man.

There is one thing guarding your heart and there is another thing thinking no man is good enough to enter it. That ish will leave you out of luck. 

OK You Swine Of A Man, Get Off Our Case.

Don't be scared to ask for help, there is nothing more annoying than a proud woman. We do not like it, it let's us know your a woman who is pompous and will not back down from an argument. Yes we have eyes an can see you have a space saver wheel on your car, but can you open your mouth that your ever so used to running and ask for help? We are not your enemy, we are not in a competition. If you see men as your enemy, what is the point in even dating us? Seriously, what is the point? If all you're going to do is give us grief, what is the point?

It's like some women have become snob like for no reason. Yes there are some women out there doing their thing and I applaud you but come on man. Some of you girls act like your shit smells like beef pattie, this time I know it sizzles off your eye brows, then again some of 
you take them off to draw them back on with crayola.

Her eyebrows flat-lined, literally.

The saddest thing about pride is that it actually could leave you in a dead end relationship. I know many a woman who are in a dead beat relationships but wont leave because they don't want to be deemed a failure by their friends and family. They don't want to be seen as being in another broken relationship, so they stay in it. Bit similar to a business man who won't put the shutters down and call it day because he doesn't want to be deemed a failure, so keeps pumping money in to it til the bailiffs come and board it up. Pride is a bish that barks at ones ego.

Pride will get you losing the man you want because you didn't want to give off any signs that you liked him. Keep sitting there, good things do not come to those who wait. I don't know who created that idiom but whoever it was, is a liar man. Keep waiting, please, please keep waiting. The early bird catches the worm, it's what is left over that the others get.

Please let's drop this pride, it isn't going to help your plight, all this doing it like a dude thing isn't going to work. Please stop trying to compete with us men. 
I tell you what most women want... Most want the best guy they can find... even though they aren't the best girl he can find.... They want to upgrade without caring about someone else downgrading. 

If you aren't bringing anything to the table you will not eat and this goes for MEN too. Please dont let your pride consume you. Any man with any gumption will run a mile from a girl who is pompous. These sort of women tend to find it hard to apologise.

Oh Britney why did you break this poor mans heart? Deep song, listen to it if you can.

I know there are some bad men out there but that is the gamble of love, I know most men just want to poker, but help us to help you. You have to take some blame on the bad men who YOU have allowed to waltz into your heart. More time it was pride that made you think you could change a scrub into a husband. Ignorance is like putting icing on shit and calling it cake, it nah mek it.

Pride is one thing I myself is working on, the path to a good conscience is dying to self.

Keep playing hard to get and don't be surprised if he plays, get's hard and then gets.

I know this blog was for the ladies but lads, don't let your pride fool you too, if you have a queen, do not shuffle, you might end up being left with a joker.

If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Hey hey hey, it's that time again. Well, well, well. What do we have here? With much a do about nothing, let's get straight to business.

Like a girl doing down, I have heard this matter arise many a times (call me Kenyan, man a long distance Stulla). Would you rather date Mr 'Illegal' over Mr 'Just Getting by'.

I Know You Can't Dance Dear.Rob But Break It Down For Us.

Now, let me start by saying that some of the men who are self employed are doing things that can land them in jail, whether it be evading taxes, ( Hi Wesley Snipes, the way he got his 'don't forget you're black' wake up call is a madness. "Don't think because we have allowed you to chill with us and make dough, you can avoid taxes like us". You forgotten about OJ, you forget bout MJ, you forgot about Chuck Berry, you forgot about James Brown. Sorry Wesley, just had to remind ya. "Hey Spike, I thought you said 'Jungle fever' would save me forever". " It would have but you acted in 'White men cant jump' ".

Now someone would have said "Wesley Snipes isn't a drug dealer, isn't a fraudster" but hey, he was robbing the state of their money and like me having a threesome they sure came for him.

There are men out there who are working on other peoples NI numbers, there are many things people do that can land them in jail.
Who are two richest sets of people in this world? One owns the federal reserve and one owns a vast amount of oil. How did they acquire so much wealth *coughs* slavery.  Not saying that all their money came from there but 500 odd years must have contributed a hell of a load.

One of the men that got the slavery ball rolling,  and if you're wondering? He is a JEW.

"Just stand there and smile boy, we gone make some money out of you" Arab slave owner with his purchase.

A lot of focus seems to be put on the white man when it comes to slavery, it was simply commerce for them, not that I condone their treatment but they were sold a commodity by the Jews and the Arabs and they used the product as they wished. Read up on the 'Curse Of Ham' it will explain a lot.

To my point, some of the people you see who run businesses and who have money, more than likely arrived at it in a dodgy way, bar the ones who got a hand out. Yes there are the select few who may have got a loan out but there also are the set of people who have washed their money.

When one  puts the illegal money they've made  and pumps into a business this what they are literally doing.

I have come across a few girls who take drugs but say that won't date a drug dealer O_o. What kind of nonsensical nonsense? So you're happy to take the drugs they are selling you but you won't date one. Please take a trip to Billingsgate market pick up a wet Talapia and slap yourself with it.

The drug game is run by the Jews, yes it is. All you have to do is run a google search and you will see. The Jews aren't wealthy for no reason and once again I will say it's not all Jews that have acquired their money through dodgy dealings.

If you read up on the 'Gretchen Morgansen' report you will see how it uncovers the fact that the worlds banks run on cocaine money. The global banking system run entirely on cocaine money. So they say, "why is war on drugs failing?" Because they need the cash to run the banks. Why is the drug problem so rampant? Because bankers need that money to pay their bonuses.

Ask yourself one question, when ever they show a program of them seizing a large sum of drugs have you ever seen them destroy it? *excogitate on that for a second*.

The whole world is near enough corrupt, like a girl with no bum and no breast, its a shame. I couldn't date a girl with no bum and no breast, Lard Gard, I might as well touch myself. G-d is a proper comedian.

If your reason for not dating a man who sells drugs is because of ethics, well then you shouldn't want to date a man like me who sells alcohol because alcohol is one hell of a 'drug' and yes I will call it a drug. It sure can ruin lives just like drugs can.

However I will state that crack/heroine is one farked up drug, it sure is. What I have seen it do to people is crazy

Bobby, it's not right and it's not okay. Why did you fark up Whitney's life?

When it comes to coke, please understand the same man who is sentencing Dwayne to 5 years is most likely the same person buying the coke. Oh yes they found traces of coke in the houses of parliament. Coke ain't cheap so you got to have dough to afford it. 

However in saying all that, selling drugs is ILLEGAL. The government has created a system to lock people up so they can fill up their jails and the saddest thing, it seems to be the ethnic minorities especially black boys which they use to peddle it. Might I add, no one is forcing them. You can't get your rampant rabbit through customs let alone a box of coke. We've all watched American Gangsta, so we have an idea of how the 'Christina Aguilera' gets into the country.

As previously stated, from the guy who sells drugs, to the guy who does fraud, to the guy who does removals that doesn't pay tax, to Rupert Murdoch and the guys who commit white collar crimes. Some people who are making money are doing so by illegal methods. I really don't like the way that drug dealers seem to get singled out a lot. It is asserted that Mr Murdoch's company got someone to hack into the phone of Milly Dowler and they were deleting voice mails so new ones could come through. So obviously the police then thought that the Lil girl must be alive if someone keeps deleting the voice messages. So this inadvertently gave false hope to the family. Bloodyclart swines, it is alleged they were paying something like 600k for the information. So as you can see many people are doing what they are doing to make money. However, this does not make what either of them are doing right in the eyes of the law.

Mr 'Have A Fun Night With' vs Mr 'Stroll Through The Park'.

I'll be straight and frank with you, (talking from my point of view as a black man living in London) most of the guys you see in the club popping bottles with a table, wearing Gucci and Louis are most likely drug dealers and fraudsters, bar the entertainers and footballers. The vast majority of them are acquiring their money illegally. A Mr Joe Bloggs who is stacking shelves in Tesco is not likely to be popping bottles in a club and is not drowning himself in Louis and Gucci, let's be real. It's not happening. 

This belt here will set you back £185. Shout  out to the dudes with belts with no serial numbers... I see you.

There are only the select few who may have their own business or earning like say 3k and over after tax and the ones who run their own business may have washed their illegal money to get that business.

Mr 'Just getting by' most of the time isn't fun. You see a young guy in a Range, Q7 and such, more than likely it's drug money or fraud money. I am just keeping it real, I'm not weave, I really am here. You need to ask/probe into what he does. Most, if not all women whether they be an artist or not are drawn to power and this is why women tend to be attracted to these sort of guys. Lets be real, you see a Range at the lights and you see a Clio, which car are you going to look at? "Now I know why the chicken cross the road, the Clio was out of her Range".

The funniest thing is that it's either a lot of you women are naive or you just don't want to ask him what he does. If a man has no job, doesn't seem to have a trade, where else do you think he is getting his money from? Well I tell you this for free, he ain't swinging up and down no poles.

Mr 'Just getting by' is sweet, he really is but 'MrDontKnowHowHeMakesHisMoneyAsLongAsICanGetMyLouisBags' is just that tad more exciting at times. But lads you have to ask yourselves something, if you got caught would that woman wait for you to get out? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. So after all the treating her to the exquisite diners and the finer things in life. If you go down, someone could be rarsing up your missus.

I swear i just heard a dude in the background.

I will never knock a mans hustle but one needs to know when to stop and wash that money like so many others before us have done. Some of these businesses have started on drugs, fraud money etc. When it comes to fraud in this country no one can see the Asians but so many of them get away with it because they are smart and also because they are Asian. Damn having 'black' skin at times can work against you but hey melanin to the skin is like what chlorophyll is to a plant. It converts the sun rays and turns into energy.

The saddest thing is that the girl who goes out with Mr 'Just getting by' guy tends to cheat on her partner with Mr ' We can have fun but I move food by the tonne'. Please if you aren't on your thing keep your girl out the 'West End' before they might make your girl their best friend. Yes there are the 'in between guys' but I am addressing Mr illegal, no I am not talking about Ghanaian's with no stay, I mean drug dealers ( and co ) and Mr 'Just getting by'. 

So as a woman, like the drug dealers themselves you have to weigh things up. If you are dating someone who makes money illegally and that could be someone who signs on, who does promoting on the side. Yes that is illegal too. There are many things that people do to earn money that is illegal that could land them in jail. Not that I want to digress but I am quite sure that if I as a man was disrespecting you that you would want your man to fly in Wendy Deng style and deal with the matter and deal with it proper. Let's bare in mind if he beats me up, he could be imprisoned too.

So What Is Your Answer Dear.Rob, Spit It Out?
If you are presented with the two guys I would advise for you to go with neither but If I really want to be real, most would go for the flashy guy and just pretend to themselves that he is a business man even though he has no trade. 

The only reason why I would say to date Mr 'Just getting by' is if you are both on the same level. If you are more advanced than him, I would say no ( see the blog on women who earn more and it will explain why). I am giving this advice as if you were my daughter. Yes I have broken the dynamics down but what use is your man to you in jail? What use is the father of your kids in jail? Yes he may never get caught, you're right but is that a gamble you are prepared to play with your heart. I know you girls love to gamble. with that epidemic of lace front wigs that have been floating about, got some of you looking like a cross between a Klingon and Robocop

Hi Pastor Beyonce Knowles, looks like your skin is 'Klingon' for dear life.

I think lace front wearers should be given life, for crimes against humanity. I can't, I just cant. But jokes aside. A man who is making money illegally can be a good father, can be a great boyfriend, however, ask yourself one question. Is phone sex that great?

Babes, I've ran out of lotion, can you send me a kiss and send me some Johnson's?

If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.

Sunday, 17 July 2011


Howdy partners, hope you've recovered from the last blog on men who refuse to go down. Hows the reading on tantra sex going?

Now let's address this matter of marriage. It seems a lot of people don't know the origin of this custom, so I'm going to break it down like a drug dealer who's just bought a box.

So what is this whole "I Do" business about and where does it stem from?

Let me start by saying that marriage
 has given mankind the home, and the home is the crowning glory of the whole long and formidable evolutionary struggle. Marriage mating grows out of bisexuality. Marriage is man’s reactionary adjustment to bisexuality to encourage heterosexual relationships as only man and woman could get married. The family structure is the result of all such evolutionary and adaptive adjustments. Marriage is the institutional response of the social organism to the ever-present biologic strain of man’s never ending urge to reproduce. While religious, social, and educational institutions are all crucial to the maintenance of cultural civilisation, the family is the master civiliser. 

As much as this is only a tv program, you can learn a lot about how a family should work from this show. Love it.

Civilisation has increasingly demanded that sexual desires be appeased in useful channels which conform with the mores and thus the institute of marriage was founded. In primitive times marriage was the price of higher social standing; the ownership of a wife was a badge of honour.

The institution of marriage predates religion.  The only reason why and how the church/synagogues/religion got involved in marriage was because man wanted to get a blessing from the priest to ensure that the woman he was marrying wasn't barren. Men were to make dowry payments as in pay for the bride. Lads we know what it’s like going on a date spunking dough only to get a peck on the forrid... It hurts. Men would go to the priest just to make sure that the woman he was marrying could produce a 5 a side footie team.

Babes what do you mean your head is banging,? You never had a headache when you was spending my money. Watch the clip.

Marriage was an investment, a business matter more than anything else. Primitive man married for the advancement and welfare of the group. A lot of Asians still adhere to this ideology which has developed into their custom of  arranged marriages. Their secure family unit is admirableMarriage was more permanent among the primitive people than it is now. Maybe our parents do actually know best. Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder.

The wedding ceremony was simply the union of a man and a woman witnessed by both sets of family. Marriage was a man's way of saying to the family of the bride and the community that this woman is mine and every other man should back the hell up.

Men have it really easy now when it comes to marriage. Back in the primitive times if we wanted to take a woman's hand in marriage we would have to perform various tasks and participate in certain games to show that we was the right man for the woman. In those days a father would not allow any Tom, Dick or Kunle to just come and pick up his daughter. You had to prove your
worth. A prospective husband was required to live with the bride's family in their home for at least one year to stake his claim and prove he was worthy for the wife he sought. This whole marriage thing is not some sort of curse on a man; it is an outward expression of one’s inward devotion for the woman he is stealing away from her family.

Marriage was needed as women were seen as the property of the father, who then transferred ownership to her husband, hence women taking the surname of their partner. So to all you women who have problems with taking a man’s surname; please stop being rebellious. I blame Pastor Beyonce Knowles and Sister Rhianna of the 7th convent.
Up to this day I wonder how a woman can fight for equal rights but still adhere to religious text that seem to have been written by misogynistic men.

Fathers wanted their daughters to be married before having kids. It was a must. A woman who had a child out of wedlock was deemed a disgrace. An illegitimate child fell into disrepute and the man who had impregnated the woman would be forced to marry her or killed. Another reason why I say a lot of men have failed their daughters. No man should allow a man to impregnate his child and then bounce. It’s not on (another blog for another day).

So you want to fark my daughter, give her kids and bounce? I'll show you cut throat.

So DEAR.ROB, Thanks For That. So If Many A Man Would Want Their Daughters To Marry, Why Are So Many Men Opposed To It?

Because some of you bra wearers are money hungry. Yes, money hungry. Many of you are just after the notoriety and many a man have noticed this. How many of you women would be happy with a man buying you a ring, a wedding dress, taking you to a registry and done? It's OK, I can wait. All these big glamorous weddings displayed by hollywood have put an image in so many women's heads that most men have said to themselves " Is my woman more concerned about the day itself or what happens after it?". Why should a man have to spunk 15k on a wedding to please everybody else? Why not invest that money in a business for the two of you to set your married life on a good plain? But in saying that there are men out there who actually want this whole big ceremony, however this is to voice the opinion of those who don't.

I know a man who took out a loan to get married, divorced and is still paying that loan off. I feel for him, no Barrymore. The cases we see in the news of women divorcing men and taking half of their money do not help matters. Yes there are cases where women could be said to have helped the upkeep of the home, but half, come on talk about urinating in someone's face.

And you wonder why a lot of men are opposed to marriage. Bloodyclart piss take.

Ladies, help us to help you. I hear women talk about this big wedding they want and yet some do not have a penny to their name. So you want this big wedding and want the man you're with to empty his pockets to finance it. Remember marriage is not a binding contract. A lot of emphasis seems to be made on the wedding day. One should be committed prior to saying " I DO ". Please don't assume that him saying "I DO" is going to change any negative traits in him. It is merely words hunny, merely words.

I can't begin to Imogen what his wife is going through.

Any woman I marry will need to know that I am not feeding the 5000 on my wedding day. I am not a miracle working man nor is my name Jesus. I am not marrying you for the notoriety. I am marrying you as an outward expression of the devotion I have for you. The ring on your finger is a symbol to tell the mandem to back the fark up but in saying that many a ring have been hid in pockets. I have seen it done myself. G-d forgive my past with women. *Sprinkles holy water* Shaababababdabababababa

Help us to help you... If all you keep talking about is the big wedding this and big wedding that many a man may be put off. We can't act like money doesn't matter, it does. Unfortunately the bulk of the money comes from the man. Why not use that money to invest in a business that could help you and your future family? Yes businesses may fail but I am sure you get the point that the money used could be spent investing in your future.

5k + to use a stately home for a wedding, you better hit the pole babe.

 Men let's not shy away from marriage, as much as it is not needed to prove your love for a woman. Many a woman would LOVE to get married. For some it gives them a sense of security just knowing that they have a ring on their finger and that they share your surname. Also lads, might I add that a woman does not have to give a child she bears your surname if she is not married to you, she does not. So it actually works in your advantage to marry the cow. 

We as men can't in one breath be against marriage and then in the next breath want for our daughters to get married. It is hypocrisy in a tuxedo wrapped in fine linen. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Also let's not forget the way things are going now she doesn't even have to be married to you to get some of your cheddar. So by not tying the knot, isn't really going to stop her getting some of your gwop.

Help us ladies, to help you... when you start talking of these big extravagant weddings, it may put many a man off. As some may think "I love you anyway so why the need to spend 10k to show this?" Looking at the divorce rates I think it is safe to say that marriage doesn't secure anything. 

Hey J hoe, I mean J Lo *honest typo*. What's that, marriage number 3? Well don't let it 'affleck' you babes.

One thing that still puzzles me is people who do not believe in the bible, do not attend church but will hop skip and jump to a church to get married by a priest/pastor. I am still flummoxed at this. Oh and if you're a woman and you subscribe to a religion. Help yourself, you can't be having sex before marriage and then use the same bible to advocate the fact that it's good to get married. Did you miss the not having sex before marriage part? Do you really fear G-d? Do you want the G-d you serve to bless your marriage? Oh and might I add, if you're a Christian it states in the bible that one is not allowed to remarry unless your spouse dies. So what happens if you marry and then divorce but never had children? What are you going to do, kill your ex husband so you can remarry? Unless you once again, you don't fear the G-d you claim to serve.

It's a shame that marriage has become intertwined with religion. Marriage started out a family affair and through the years have become what it is now. Commerce tends to be the driving force behind the evolution of most customs . Wedding ceremonies boost the economy just like Easter, Valentines day and Christmas day does. Do we really need these days to show someone we love them? Shouldn't this love be shown regardless?

I'll leave that for you to decide.

Oh and for those who asked the reason behind the wedding veil being worn, initially it was worn as a relic to hide the brides face from the ghosts,
evil spirits and jealous demons. Just in case they decided to inhabit her and make her barren. People of those times were very spiritual and skeptical hence the man visiting a priest, prior to the wedding ceremony, to assure him that the woman he was marrying would be fertile.

Bish better give me boys or i'm getting a refund.

In closing, I would like to say that it is not all women who desire the notoriety of a horse and carriage, a Vera Wang dress and a 5k diamond ring. Some women are just happy to be with you and whatever your pocket can reach will suffice. That sort of woman in my eyes is a keep-her. Any woman that decides she wants to put a pause to a wedding because your finances cannot reach what she wants is not a woman I would advise to marry.

If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.