Sunday, 20 November 2011

Sex Is Just Sex, If You Haven't Metaphysically With The Chakras.

Howdy partners... How art thou doing? You may need to get your dictionary for this post as I will be indulging in a bit of sesqiupedalianism. I can see some of you are flummoxed as it is, “Sesqui what?” Any way let’s get the knife and fork out and get tucked in.

Sex Is Just Sex, If You Haven't Met-Her-Physically With The Chakras.

If Sex is Natural, why the restrictions? Why Can’t I Just Slip It In?

First thing I would like to state is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

The sex urge is sufficient enough to ensure that homo-sapiens come together to further the reproduction of mankind; it is an innate propensity that a man will want to insert his coin into your slot machine. This modus operandi worked way before man experienced what was later called Eros love. No human impulse or emotion unbridled and overindulged can produce so much harm and sorrow as the powerful sex urge. Go and ask any man who has problems with his bm, no series.

The account of the evolution of marriage is merely the history of sex control through the force of social, religious, and civil restrictions. Nature hardly recognises individuals; it is ignorant of so-called morals; it is only and exclusively interested in the reproduction of the species. Nature beseechingly insists on reproduction but indifferently leaves the momentous problems to be solved by society, thus erecting an ever-present and major problem for evolutionary mankind. This social conflict consists in the unending fight between basic instincts and evolving ethics. Among the primitive people there was little or no regulation of the relations of the sexes. Because of this sex license, prostitution was nonexistent. It’s the taboo surrounding sex that led to prostitution. When sex was performed without any restrictions sex would have no reason to have been sold as one could get it freely. Think about it.

Very good book, I implore you to give it a read.

Now before I go into the spiritual elements of sex, I would just like to say that sex jealousy is not innate, it is a product of the mores. Primitive man was not jealous of his wife; he was merely guarding his investment. The reason women were held to stricter sex regulations was because her marriage infidelity involved descent and inheritance. If a woman was to sleep about in those days it would be near enough impossible to figure out whom the father was. Oh might I add stats show that approximately 1 in 25 men are fathering kids under the pretence that the child is theirs when in fact the child belongs to another fool. If a woman ever did this to me, it would take Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus and Horus to stop me from tearing off her eye brow. Oh the pain, oh the agony.

So You Slept With Her But Have You More Than Met-Her-Physically?

Sex and specifically the orgasm, is more than something that just feels good and allows procreation. Sex when indulged by two people who can interact on an intellectual and spiritual basis is deep and not something to be taken lightly whether you’re knocking boots with someone called Annie Rexic. 

Sex when performed by two enlightened individuals can lead them into a higher consciousness and into worlds mentally beyond this plane. From a metaphysical stand point there are many functions of sex such as the release of dysfunctional energy within the body, there is also the function that opens the higher chakras, and when done with the right person allows the beginning of enlightenment.

When two people are indulging in sexual intercourse energies and vibrations are released which helps bring strength and vitality. There are people who you may have sex with and feel no connection and there are people you will have sex with and become hooked like a Jewish Nose.

In ancient Egypt it was believed that the orgasm was the key to life and was intimately connected with the chakra system. A chakra is an energy whirlpool linked to the entire human energy field, and the Universal Heart Chakra is the fifth of thirteen chakras. (There is also a system of eight chakras; in that system, the heart chakra is number four.) The Egyptian system understood that the orgasm was intimately connected to this fifth or Universal Heart Chakra.

Most people are ignorant to what happens to their sexual energy after they have an orgasm. Typically, the energy moves up the spine and out the top of the head directly into the eighth or thirteenth chakra (same chakra, different system). In a few rare cases, the sexual energy is released down the spine into the hidden centre below the feet, the point opposite the one above the head. In any case, the sexual energy called prana in Hinduism is debauched and lost. It is tantamount to discharging a battery into a ground wire. It is no longer in the battery and so it is gone forever, I hope that makes a bit of sense. This is what all the world's Tantric systems that I am aware of believe, that orgasms bring one a little closer to death since a person loses his or her life-force energy in the orgasm and is made weaker. But the Egyptians found long ago that it doesn’t have to be this way. This energy doesn’t have to be lost. Lads don’t you just like a girl whose head is banging, no migraine. That head that makes your toes clench like a fist.

The Egyptians believed that orgasm is healthy and necessary but that the sexual energy currents must be controlled in a deeply esoteric procedure that is unlike any other system. They said that if this energy is controlled, the human orgasm becomes a source of infinite pranic energy that is not lost. They believe that the entire Mer-Ka-Ba or light body (the field of energy surrounding and interpenetrating the body) benefits from this sexual discharge. They even believe that under the right conditions the orgasm will directly lead to eternal life, and that the ankh is the key.

What is the ankh and what in the name of Kunle Adepoju has it got to do with sexual energy? 

It is complex to explain, but I will try and simplify. First the ankh itself is a shape that looks like the figure below.
 The early catholic church omitted the loop so that they could disconnect themselves from the Egyptian religion, since they were breaking away from tradition.

In order to perceive and understand what took thousands of years for the Egyptians to grasp, we will begin with the fifth, Universal Heart Chakra. This lower heart chakra, the chakra of Unconditional Universal Love, is the first place where the energy completes itself. Each chakra has a ''direction'' allied with it, as the life-force energy rotates its way up the body in a pattern similar to the DNA molecule. In the lower heart chakra, the fifth place of a thirteen chakra system, the energy is facing the same direction as it began, and thus the circle is complete.

The orgasm when having sex is the one thing that makes sex different to every other sexual encounter, it is this act that brings the two of you closer together. It is this that makes one hooked to the hood. There are people you may sleep with and feel no connection whatsoever and there are people you will sleep with and the moment Mr Man enters her princess purse the connection is made.

When one can orgasm and the Chakras are released sex becomes a whole different ball game, no tea bagging (The Chakras is each of the centers of the spiritual power in the human body). It becomes something totally different. When a man can hit the base of your wall, get in so deep that you call him Sir Vixs that connection is made. Sex can be a dangerous game when conducted with someone who knows what he is doing. When he knows how to hit those walls and send those vibrations through your spine/ankh, he transcends your mind spiritually and subconsciously a connection is made. 

It is not a fluke that you can’t seem to get a man out of your head. Sex is deep when performed with a man who can swim good inside your ocean, ask Frank, that nova-cane can put you in a trance. It is said that when two people have sex that they become one, I believe this to be true to an extent. When the two of you can elevate each other to that place, your energies become one, they sure do. Sex is not just sex when orgasms are involved. The Egyptians knew about this year’s back hence ankhing associated with the human orgasm.

Good dick can do what bad dick can’t do... Good dick can text you out of your sleep, good dick will leave you putting the key under the mat just anticipating him saying he may be coming to kill the cat, no Rspca. Good dick will leave kitty throbbing days later, good dick will give you the shivers at the sound of his name.

The Egyptians had instructions on how to heighten the orgasm so that energy isn’t lost but actually is used to recharge one’s body.

1)   The moment you feel the sexual energy rise up your spine, take a deep breath and then hold your breath.
2)   Allow the sexual energy of the orgasm to come up your spine, whilst your breath is held the energy will curve around involuntarily around your body and instead of the energy being lost will come back to where it started.
3)   As it comes back to the fifth chakra where it originally started it will come to a sharp point. When it approaches the fifth chakra from the front of the body, at times there will be a tremendous jolt as it reconnects with this chakra again.
4)   The sexual energy by now would have reconnected with its source, the fifth chakra. You can now take in the full breath but exhale very very slowly. The sexual energy will continue around the ankh channel as long as you’re exhaling.

I’ve tried to break this down as simply as possible. The key when orgasming is to hold your breath as you’re climaxing and then to breathe out slowly this will allow the energy to continue and not die.

It was this unearthing of the secret tube that encouraged the Ancient Egyptians belief that eternal life was intimately connected to this particular energy-flow.

Enjoy sex, sex is liberating when done under the right conditions. Clarity is important when having sex so that both parties know what they are getting themselves into beforehand. There are many forms of contraception on the market so there are no excuses for unwanted babies. It’s a shame that the elite invented STD’s to stifle reproduction. The taboos surrounding sex need not be so in this day and age. Sex is one thing that two people can do to elevate and release tension. There are times I have had sex and it has actually cleared my mind and released me of all anxiety. 

As stated, clarity is important. If as a man you know you don’t want to have that connection with a woman, as crazy as this sounds don’t give her the dick. If you know she is going to fall for you and you don’t have a parachute for her, give it a miss. You don’t need to make that connection spiritually, especially if you know you can take her to higher heights. If you’re going to lie to a girl to get sex, just know that her spirit will haunt you. There are certain girls I have slept with in my past that I regret as it just seemed the moment I penetrated bad luck seeped into my life. With everything in life when it is used in the right manner it can be pleasurable. Remember knives don’t kill people, people do.

If you’re looking for a man to complete you, you’ve missed the whole point.


  1. I found this a very interesting read. Even more so as I spent a lot of time a couple of years ago reading about energy points. This post has made me want to continue my reading and understanding. Ta luv

  2. I was actually hurt that sesqiupedalianism wasn't a real word :( Other than that it was an interesting read. It's nice to know that there are thinkers out there. Too many zombies in this world!

  3. I particularly liked the very last to enhance and delay your pleasure and the warnings you give about sharing yourself if its the wrong spirit.. gwaaan Rob!
