I Love Her But Miss Cege Nation Doesn't.
Let me first start off by saying that there is no pure race, during the 900k + years that homo-sapiens have been on Earth the six evolutionary colours have mixed. All human beings are technically 'mixed race' if the construct is applied in its purest sense.
Miscegenation is the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types, as in someone of Negroid phenotype having a child with someone of Caucasoid phenotype or someone of Mongoloid phenotype having a child with someone of Negroid phentoype, etc. Let me also state that even these phenotypes that we have were put in place by the West. Not all black people are black and not all white people are white as defined by the social construct put in place by the elite to implement their racial hierarchical structure.
Now up until 1967 there were laws put in place, known as anti miscegenation laws. These laws enforced racial segregation at a level of marriage or intimate relationships. People found to be doing so were criminalised. Prior to slavery there was no colour caste system, one wasn't referred to by colour. Black or white isn't a country, nor does it describe a culture or set of people. It is asinine to bunch a set of people as homogenous by colour. It is nonsensical nonsense dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie.
The colour system was simply put in place to separate blacks from whites simple as that. Ever wondered why Asian people aren't referred to as brown people or Chinese people referred to as yellow. You only really have black and white. What is white? I dare you call a Sicilian person white and watch the response you get. You can be a preacher; it won’t stop that person throwing a Pasta in your retina.
The whole interbreeding thing started when they wanted to make what they considered at that time to be a super slave. The term for this super slave was mulatto. That was the mixing of a black person and a white person. For those who are not aware the Irish were slaves during the 1600's. King James II and Charles I enslaved the Irish, Oliver Cromwell then furthered this practice. From 1641 to 1652 over 500k Irish people were killed by the English and another 300k was sold as slaves. And these slaves were sent to the new world. During the 1650's, 1000's of Irish people were sent to Virginia, Barbados and New England. Listen to how Baijans pronounce the number 3 and how many Irish people pronounce the number 3.
It was at this point that African slaves and Irish slaves were forced to sleep with each other to try and make this super slave. However legislation was put in place in 1681 forbidding the two breeding as it interfered with profits of large slave transport companies. I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'No Dogs, No Blacks, No Irish'. Now you know where it stems from.
"But baybay, you Irish, we were both slaves, man a long distance stulla".
That Awkward Moment When You're At The Family BBQ And Your White Partner Walks In Whilst Amistad Is On.
*Chortles*... Just imagine it, you're at the family BBQ and your white partner walks in while Kunte Kentae is getting some nice strokes from Massa.
First of all I will say, do you. If you want to date outside of your race, feel free. Love should have no boundaries. However I don't believe in this colour blind ideology. How can one be colour blind?
If you choose to solely date outside of your race, I will believe that your head is not correct. I often hear some white women say that they are not attracted to white men ¬_¬. *Scratches head*. I just think issues. I often hear some black men say they’re done with black girls. You can’t write off a whole set of people based on the bad ones that you have allowed into your life. A bish can come in any shade, not just black.
Slavery/Racial Genocide/history plays a huge part in why so many people are opposed to inter-racial dating. I am not going to try and be politically correct. I don't gots time. In saying that, it seems like its only black people that favour this ideology of inter-racial dating out of the oppressed ethnic 'minorities'. The Jews don’t, the Chinese don't, the Asians, don’t. Could this be one of the reasons why they have great cultural stability and strength in their family groups? Hmm, I wonder.
I don’t deem it ignorant to not want to date other races. You may be black and have a preference to dating someone who is of African ancestry because the chances that someone who wasn’t would be able to have the same political views as you when it comes to the global racial power structure, racism, imperialism, plus cultural aspects etc, is slim to none, ask Annie Rexic. I refuse to deal with someone with rose-coloured glasses on when it comes to the racial caste system, colourism, & geo-politics. Someone who wouldn't be aware of, let alone comprehend skin colour privilege etc, would drive me barmy and I surely wouldn't be comfortable raising children with someone who can remain in denial about such things because they don't directly experience them.
Now this is not to say that every person of African ancestry (this includes West Indians, your ancestors were from Africa before they were dragged to the West Indies) will fall into the criteria of what you may be looking for if you are black. I am more concerned about how cultured a woman is before everything. There are many black women/men who have been washed in Daz.
Oh Hi Brian, what lovely eyes you have?
The Family is the avenue through which the river of culture and knowledge flows from one generation to another.
Another huge problem is this one drop rule, this rule that ostracises people who are mixed race, as in someone who has one white parent and one black parent. Now black people are very welcoming of other ethnics in general, unfortunately white people generally aren't. When is the last time you've heard a white person refer to a mixed race person as white? It's OK I can wait. I'm still waiting, I haven't got all day. Why is it that Obama is referred to as black and not white? Erm, hello, how can you just disregard the white part of his lineage? The fact is that most white people in general do not want to accept a mixed race person as white, hence the ‘one drop rule’.
Out of all the mixes it seems like the black and white mix seems to have the biggest issues attached to it. As stated this stems from 500 years of slavery. Might I add Europeans were not the only ones involved in slavery, the Arabs and Jews were the ones who got the chain and ball rolling. One cannot be ignorant to this fact. This is one of the reasons I am on the fence when it comes to having offspring with someone who is not of my racial phenotype.
Before settling down with someone from a different race to yours it is imperative to make sure that the family you are entering are accommodating. Yes he/she may want to settle down with you but if their family are covertly bigots, you're just inviting wahala into your life. The funniest thing is that even if we want to push race aside, so many of our parents/grandparents are xenophobic. I.e. I have come across Africans who have a problem with their child dating a West Indian. I have also come across West Indians who have a problem with dating Africans. I have come across some English people who are opposed to their children dating someone who is Scottish. What kind foolishness be this? When I hear such poppycock I want to brandish a wet tilapia and use it to slap their lips.
A lot of people are in inter-racial relationships and are getting on just fine, it depends what each other’s views on life are, how they intend to raise their kids and whether culture is important to them or not. My mum has been married to a Scottish man for the past ten years and they get on like Precious in a pie eating contest.
If you’re looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.