Tuesday, 29 November 2011

I Love Her But Miss Cege Nation Doesn't.

Hey Chaps and Chappetes... I deem this to be an apt time to bring out a blog on inter-racial dating after watching My Tram Experience. One thing that amazed me was the shock, is racism a new concept? Was it just invented 2 weeks ago? Did one think because the general populace may be covertly racist that it doesn't exist? I beg go and face the wall. The funniest thing is that I've heard black folk complain about the sudden influx of eastern Europeans, even when the Kosovans/Albanians stormed through in the late 90's I heard numerous black folk complaining. I beg fall off your low donkeys. Don’t let that red book of yours sweet you. Indifference isn't going anywhere. Yeah what she said was distasteful but this should be of no shock. Might I add, not all white people are racist, however, I believe all humans being have a modus operandi to be prejudice.

I Love Her But Miss Cege Nation Doesn't.

Let me first start off by saying that there is no pure race, during the 900k + years that homo-sapiens have been on Earth the six evolutionary colours have mixed. All human beings are technically 'mixed race' if the construct is applied in its purest sense.

Miscegenation is the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types, as in someone of Negroid phenotype having a child with someone of Caucasoid phenotype or someone of Mongoloid phenotype having a child with someone of Negroid phentoype, etc. Let me also state that even these phenotypes that we have were put in place by the West. Not all black people are black and not all white people are white as defined by the social construct put in place by the elite to implement their racial hierarchical structure.

Now up until 1967 there were laws put in place, known as anti miscegenation laws. These laws enforced racial segregation at a level of marriage or intimate relationships. People found to be doing so were criminalised. Prior to slavery there was no colour caste system, one wasn't referred to by colour. Black or white isn't a country, nor does it describe a culture or set of people. It is asinine to bunch a set of people as homogenous by colour. It is nonsensical nonsense dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie.

The colour system was simply put in place to separate blacks from whites simple as that. Ever wondered why Asian people aren't referred to as brown people or Chinese people referred to as yellow. You only really have black and white. What is white? I dare you call a Sicilian person white and watch the response you get. You can be a preacher; it won’t stop that person throwing a Pasta in your retina.

The whole interbreeding thing started when they wanted to make what they considered at that time to be a super slave. The term for this super slave was mulatto. That was the mixing of a black person and a white person. For those who are not aware the Irish were slaves during the 1600's. King James II and Charles I enslaved the Irish, Oliver Cromwell then furthered this practice. From 1641 to 1652 over 500k Irish people were killed by the English and another 300k was sold as slaves. And these slaves were sent to the new world. During the 1650's, 1000's of Irish people were sent to Virginia, Barbados and New England. Listen to how Baijans pronounce the number 3 and how many Irish people pronounce the number 3.

It was at this point that African slaves and Irish slaves were forced to sleep with each other to try and make this super slave. However legislation was put in place in 1681 forbidding the two breeding as it interfered with profits of large slave transport companies. I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'No Dogs, No Blacks, No Irish'. Now you know where it stems from.

"But baybay, you Irish, we were both slaves, man a long distance stulla".

That Awkward Moment When You're At The Family BBQ And Your White Partner Walks In Whilst Amistad Is On.

*Chortles*... Just imagine it, you're at the family BBQ and your white partner walks in while Kunte Kentae is getting some nice strokes from Massa.

First of all I will say, do you. If you want to date outside of your race, feel free. Love should have no boundaries. However I don't believe in this colour blind ideology. How can one be colour blind?

If you choose to solely date outside of your race, I will believe that your head is not correct. I often hear some white women say that they are not attracted to white men ¬_¬. *Scratches head*. I just think issues. I often hear some black men say they’re done with black girls. You can’t write off a whole set of people based on the bad ones that you have allowed into your life. A bish can come in any shade, not just black.

Slavery/Racial Genocide/history plays a huge part in why so many people are opposed to inter-racial dating. I am not going to try and be politically correct. I don't gots time. In saying that, it seems like its only black people that favour this ideology of inter-racial dating out of the oppressed ethnic 'minorities'. The Jews don’t, the Chinese don't, the Asians, don’t. Could this be one of the reasons why they have great cultural stability and strength in their family groups? Hmm, I wonder.

I don’t deem it ignorant to not want to date other races. You may be black and have a preference to dating someone who is of African ancestry because the chances that someone who wasn’t would be able to have the same political views as you when it comes to the global racial power structure, racism, imperialism, plus cultural aspects etc, is slim to none, ask Annie Rexic. I refuse to deal with someone with rose-coloured glasses on when it comes to the racial caste system, colourism, & geo-politics. Someone who wouldn't be aware of, let alone comprehend skin colour privilege etc, would drive me barmy and I surely wouldn't be comfortable raising children with someone who can remain in denial about such things because they don't directly experience them.

Now this is not to say that every person of African ancestry (this includes West Indians, your ancestors were from Africa before they were dragged to the West Indies) will fall into the criteria of what you may be looking for if you are black. I am more concerned about how cultured a woman is before everything. There are many black women/men who have been washed in Daz. 

Oh Hi Brian, what lovely eyes you have?

The Family is the avenue through which the river of culture and knowledge flows from one generation to another. 

Another huge problem is this one drop rule, this rule that ostracises people who are mixed race, as in someone who has one white parent and one black parent. Now black people are very welcoming of other ethnics in general, unfortunately white people generally aren't. When is the last time you've heard a white person refer to a mixed race person as white? It's OK I can wait. I'm still waiting, I haven't got all day. Why is it that Obama is referred to as black and not white? Erm, hello, how can you just disregard the white part of his lineage? The fact is that most white people in general do not want to accept a mixed race person as white, hence the ‘one drop rule’.

Out of all the mixes it seems like the black and white mix seems to have the biggest issues attached to it. As stated this stems from 500 years of slavery. Might I add Europeans were not the only ones involved in slavery, the Arabs and Jews were the ones who got the chain and ball rolling. One cannot be ignorant to this fact. This is one of the reasons I am on the fence when it comes to having offspring with someone who is not of my racial phenotype.

Before settling down with someone from a different race to yours it is imperative to make sure that the family you are entering are accommodating. Yes he/she may want to settle down with you but if their family are covertly bigots, you're just inviting wahala into your life. The funniest thing is that even if we want to push race aside, so many of our parents/grandparents are xenophobic. I.e. I have come across Africans who have a problem with their child dating a West Indian. I have also come across West Indians who have a problem with dating Africans. I have come across some English people who are opposed to their children dating someone who is Scottish. What kind foolishness be this? When I hear such poppycock I want to brandish a wet tilapia and use it to slap their lips. 

A lot of people are in inter-racial relationships and are getting on just fine, it depends what each other’s views on life are, how they intend to raise their kids and whether culture is important to them or not. My mum has been married to a Scottish man for the past ten years and they get on like Precious in a pie eating contest.

If you’re looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Sex Is Just Sex, If You Haven't Metaphysically With The Chakras.

Howdy partners... How art thou doing? You may need to get your dictionary for this post as I will be indulging in a bit of sesqiupedalianism. I can see some of you are flummoxed as it is, “Sesqui what?” Any way let’s get the knife and fork out and get tucked in.

Sex Is Just Sex, If You Haven't Met-Her-Physically With The Chakras.

If Sex is Natural, why the restrictions? Why Can’t I Just Slip It In?

First thing I would like to state is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

The sex urge is sufficient enough to ensure that homo-sapiens come together to further the reproduction of mankind; it is an innate propensity that a man will want to insert his coin into your slot machine. This modus operandi worked way before man experienced what was later called Eros love. No human impulse or emotion unbridled and overindulged can produce so much harm and sorrow as the powerful sex urge. Go and ask any man who has problems with his bm, no series.

The account of the evolution of marriage is merely the history of sex control through the force of social, religious, and civil restrictions. Nature hardly recognises individuals; it is ignorant of so-called morals; it is only and exclusively interested in the reproduction of the species. Nature beseechingly insists on reproduction but indifferently leaves the momentous problems to be solved by society, thus erecting an ever-present and major problem for evolutionary mankind. This social conflict consists in the unending fight between basic instincts and evolving ethics. Among the primitive people there was little or no regulation of the relations of the sexes. Because of this sex license, prostitution was nonexistent. It’s the taboo surrounding sex that led to prostitution. When sex was performed without any restrictions sex would have no reason to have been sold as one could get it freely. Think about it.

Very good book, I implore you to give it a read.

Now before I go into the spiritual elements of sex, I would just like to say that sex jealousy is not innate, it is a product of the mores. Primitive man was not jealous of his wife; he was merely guarding his investment. The reason women were held to stricter sex regulations was because her marriage infidelity involved descent and inheritance. If a woman was to sleep about in those days it would be near enough impossible to figure out whom the father was. Oh might I add stats show that approximately 1 in 25 men are fathering kids under the pretence that the child is theirs when in fact the child belongs to another fool. If a woman ever did this to me, it would take Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus and Horus to stop me from tearing off her eye brow. Oh the pain, oh the agony.

So You Slept With Her But Have You More Than Met-Her-Physically?

Sex and specifically the orgasm, is more than something that just feels good and allows procreation. Sex when indulged by two people who can interact on an intellectual and spiritual basis is deep and not something to be taken lightly whether you’re knocking boots with someone called Annie Rexic. 

Sex when performed by two enlightened individuals can lead them into a higher consciousness and into worlds mentally beyond this plane. From a metaphysical stand point there are many functions of sex such as the release of dysfunctional energy within the body, there is also the function that opens the higher chakras, and when done with the right person allows the beginning of enlightenment.

When two people are indulging in sexual intercourse energies and vibrations are released which helps bring strength and vitality. There are people who you may have sex with and feel no connection and there are people you will have sex with and become hooked like a Jewish Nose.

In ancient Egypt it was believed that the orgasm was the key to life and was intimately connected with the chakra system. A chakra is an energy whirlpool linked to the entire human energy field, and the Universal Heart Chakra is the fifth of thirteen chakras. (There is also a system of eight chakras; in that system, the heart chakra is number four.) The Egyptian system understood that the orgasm was intimately connected to this fifth or Universal Heart Chakra.

Most people are ignorant to what happens to their sexual energy after they have an orgasm. Typically, the energy moves up the spine and out the top of the head directly into the eighth or thirteenth chakra (same chakra, different system). In a few rare cases, the sexual energy is released down the spine into the hidden centre below the feet, the point opposite the one above the head. In any case, the sexual energy called prana in Hinduism is debauched and lost. It is tantamount to discharging a battery into a ground wire. It is no longer in the battery and so it is gone forever, I hope that makes a bit of sense. This is what all the world's Tantric systems that I am aware of believe, that orgasms bring one a little closer to death since a person loses his or her life-force energy in the orgasm and is made weaker. But the Egyptians found long ago that it doesn’t have to be this way. This energy doesn’t have to be lost. Lads don’t you just like a girl whose head is banging, no migraine. That head that makes your toes clench like a fist.

The Egyptians believed that orgasm is healthy and necessary but that the sexual energy currents must be controlled in a deeply esoteric procedure that is unlike any other system. They said that if this energy is controlled, the human orgasm becomes a source of infinite pranic energy that is not lost. They believe that the entire Mer-Ka-Ba or light body (the field of energy surrounding and interpenetrating the body) benefits from this sexual discharge. They even believe that under the right conditions the orgasm will directly lead to eternal life, and that the ankh is the key.

What is the ankh and what in the name of Kunle Adepoju has it got to do with sexual energy? 

It is complex to explain, but I will try and simplify. First the ankh itself is a shape that looks like the figure below.
 The early catholic church omitted the loop so that they could disconnect themselves from the Egyptian religion, since they were breaking away from tradition.

In order to perceive and understand what took thousands of years for the Egyptians to grasp, we will begin with the fifth, Universal Heart Chakra. This lower heart chakra, the chakra of Unconditional Universal Love, is the first place where the energy completes itself. Each chakra has a ''direction'' allied with it, as the life-force energy rotates its way up the body in a pattern similar to the DNA molecule. In the lower heart chakra, the fifth place of a thirteen chakra system, the energy is facing the same direction as it began, and thus the circle is complete.

The orgasm when having sex is the one thing that makes sex different to every other sexual encounter, it is this act that brings the two of you closer together. It is this that makes one hooked to the hood. There are people you may sleep with and feel no connection whatsoever and there are people you will sleep with and the moment Mr Man enters her princess purse the connection is made.

When one can orgasm and the Chakras are released sex becomes a whole different ball game, no tea bagging (The Chakras is each of the centers of the spiritual power in the human body). It becomes something totally different. When a man can hit the base of your wall, get in so deep that you call him Sir Vixs that connection is made. Sex can be a dangerous game when conducted with someone who knows what he is doing. When he knows how to hit those walls and send those vibrations through your spine/ankh, he transcends your mind spiritually and subconsciously a connection is made. 

It is not a fluke that you can’t seem to get a man out of your head. Sex is deep when performed with a man who can swim good inside your ocean, ask Frank, that nova-cane can put you in a trance. It is said that when two people have sex that they become one, I believe this to be true to an extent. When the two of you can elevate each other to that place, your energies become one, they sure do. Sex is not just sex when orgasms are involved. The Egyptians knew about this year’s back hence ankhing associated with the human orgasm.

Good dick can do what bad dick can’t do... Good dick can text you out of your sleep, good dick will leave you putting the key under the mat just anticipating him saying he may be coming to kill the cat, no Rspca. Good dick will leave kitty throbbing days later, good dick will give you the shivers at the sound of his name.

The Egyptians had instructions on how to heighten the orgasm so that energy isn’t lost but actually is used to recharge one’s body.

1)   The moment you feel the sexual energy rise up your spine, take a deep breath and then hold your breath.
2)   Allow the sexual energy of the orgasm to come up your spine, whilst your breath is held the energy will curve around involuntarily around your body and instead of the energy being lost will come back to where it started.
3)   As it comes back to the fifth chakra where it originally started it will come to a sharp point. When it approaches the fifth chakra from the front of the body, at times there will be a tremendous jolt as it reconnects with this chakra again.
4)   The sexual energy by now would have reconnected with its source, the fifth chakra. You can now take in the full breath but exhale very very slowly. The sexual energy will continue around the ankh channel as long as you’re exhaling.

I’ve tried to break this down as simply as possible. The key when orgasming is to hold your breath as you’re climaxing and then to breathe out slowly this will allow the energy to continue and not die.

It was this unearthing of the secret tube that encouraged the Ancient Egyptians belief that eternal life was intimately connected to this particular energy-flow.

Enjoy sex, sex is liberating when done under the right conditions. Clarity is important when having sex so that both parties know what they are getting themselves into beforehand. There are many forms of contraception on the market so there are no excuses for unwanted babies. It’s a shame that the elite invented STD’s to stifle reproduction. The taboos surrounding sex need not be so in this day and age. Sex is one thing that two people can do to elevate and release tension. There are times I have had sex and it has actually cleared my mind and released me of all anxiety. 

As stated, clarity is important. If as a man you know you don’t want to have that connection with a woman, as crazy as this sounds don’t give her the dick. If you know she is going to fall for you and you don’t have a parachute for her, give it a miss. You don’t need to make that connection spiritually, especially if you know you can take her to higher heights. If you’re going to lie to a girl to get sex, just know that her spirit will haunt you. There are certain girls I have slept with in my past that I regret as it just seemed the moment I penetrated bad luck seeped into my life. With everything in life when it is used in the right manner it can be pleasurable. Remember knives don’t kill people, people do.

If you’re looking for a man to complete you, you’ve missed the whole point.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Has Mr Luke Warm Got You Feeling Like Ms Justine Case?

Howdy partners, hope to meet you all in good health. Remember you are as limitless as your creator. 

Welcome to another edition of my blogs. The question is...

Has Mr Luke-Warm Got You Feeling Like Ms Justine Case?

So when the two of you met he was on fire like NBA JAM, he wasn’t a fan of Sean Paul but he kept the fire blazing but now he has turned into Mr Luke-Warm and now you’re thinking what the Raaas Kwame?

Here is one of the problems I have noticed: a lot of you ladies meet a guy and from the get go you say to yourself "This man is going to be my man, it is by force. It must happen, whether I have to cut some strands off his hair and go and meet Papa Legba, it will happen." Now subconsciously this unfortunately leaves some of you hanging around like the JME on Joseph's neck. Boy, you better know how to circumvent these situations. 

Let me show you how......

Why Does Mr Luke Warm Put Ms Justine Case On Layaway?

Boy meets girl, takes her number, she’s feeling the kid, no Gary Glitter. They go on a few dates, exchange salivary amylase, he comes round, kills the cat, No RSPCA. Then you reach stalemate.  He’s got you feeling like you’ve hit that glass ceiling, you can see what the potential is with the two of you but he just won’t give you access to it. It’s safe to say he won’t let you crack the code.

"Let me in you punk, let me in, erm hold on, what you doing in here ?". 

You know how fat kids like to have their cake and eat it too. In most cases this is what it is. A woman meets the right man but is left as a link because she met him at the wrong time. She may tick a lot of boxes like a drug dealer and look like some good food but if he isn’t ready to settle down, you're gonna be sitting on that shelf for a long time. Ask the Lox’s, they know how that feels.

Now there are two kinds of girls, the one mentioned above, she is wifey material, if he wasn't playing games and ready to settle down he would actually make her the one and bring her into the matrix but he is a freeman right now but because she is like 'look' backwards, he keeps her in his circle.

Then there is the other girl who is just fooling herself. She is used to getting chatted up by men of his calibre, she is used to getting Sheba stroked by men of such stature so she now has an appetency for those men and thinks that in-kind  they
 will want to settle down with her. I beg, please climb off your low donkey. You, my dear friend, are suffering from delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately as @enigmakelly was tweeting the other day most of us lads do have a grading system. So if you don’t make that grading system, you will never reach the accolade of wifey. So please enjoy your time in the Gm Vauxhall Conference.

You can have the awful truth or a beautiful lie. It is what it is.

As harsh as it seems, some of you ladies have guys who you would sleep with but never make hubby. Jada Pinkett is one of them. She knocked boots with Tupac but she knew who she Will make hubby, take note. It's crazy how the E.T's of this world are allowed to take the Lauren's of this world to London and knock them up. Well hey, she must have enjoyed his lollipop, forgot to put a rapper over the beat and now has to listen to him teaching her how to love.

Now some men will claim that they don’t want to make you wifey because they aren’t established yet. Now in some cases this may be true but in most cases it's just an excuse. All in all whatever spiel he reels off is just a tarted up form of dismissal. When a man finds a good thing, he holds unto it, unless he's sowing his royal oats and doesn't want a girl.

So Dear Rob, How Does One Avoid Being Put On Layaway? I’m Not a Pair Of Red Bottoms?

First things first, I keep saying it again and again, learn to give men things in rations. If you’re going to cook me 3 square meals a day, bring me lunch, polish the TV and me why should I make you wifey? Why would I go for a contract when I am getting all the perks as PAYG? It is asinine to assume that a man would (yes there are exceptions to the rule). You bra-wearers love to call men dogs, well then treat us like dogs. You don’t give a dog all the treats in one go do you? You give them to the dog in rations, you reward the dog for the good it has done.

Around my way and with the lads I know: if you’re not his girl after 3 months of sex in 9/10 cases you’re just going to be that Cuban link, that girl that gets strung along. It is what it is. Cook him a meal once or twice, show him what you’re working with and then pause. Tie your hair in a bun; suck the life out of him and then pause. Show him you have the potential to give him this day in day out; then let him know what he needs to do to get it day in day out. If after 3 months he is not sure about what he wants from you, fall back. Hold back on to the treats and let him know what the deal is. You’re the one that let him into your heart, so you can’t call the police to cardiac arrest him. 

Please , listen to the song. :)

If he has been investing time in you, after 90 days of sex, he should recognise what it is he wants from you. 3 months of coochie unlicensed is long enough. I've known of girls who have been left in limbo for a year. Is your head correct? So you allowed a guy to string you along for that long? Please take a bus to billingsgate market, pick up the wettest Tilapia you can find and slap your lips with it. As stated earlier, this tends to happen when you've made a pact with yourself that this dude has to be your man, so therefore you overlook the BS he throws your way and try to hang in there like a pair a testees.
Yes, I appreciate some men will whisper sweet nothings in your ear but if these sweet nothings are not materialising it is for you to pick up your baggies and get the hell up out of that beatch. Stop putting all your eggs in one basket, yes I said it. Stop putting all your eggs in one basket. Stop acting like an ovary. Remember the ovum has to be at the right place and the right time for conception to take place. One has to look through the fallopian tube, if it doesn’t look like this journey you are taking is going to fertilise, feel free to semen other than him. If a man is not going to make you his girl, he has no right to treat you like Tubal Ligation and tie you down.

So if you want to avoid being Ms Justine Case,

1)    Learn to give men things in rations.

2)     Don’t say to yourself at the beginning that this must work, he has to be my man. It tends to impair one's vision.

3)     Keep your options open, he isn't your man.

4)     After 3 months of stroking the cat, hold back some treats and let him know if he wants the goodies, we need a title up in this beatch.

5) Ultimately, you need to speak up and ask what the back foot is going on, yeah you may be on the big side of life but you can't just accept everything he dishes out to you ;) .

But hey, I'm just looking for that pretty young thing that I can show another part of me, so that I can rock her world and beat it good.

After saying all of the above; if you’re looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.

Monday, 7 November 2011

For Heaven's Sake, I Hope We're Not Dating For The Hell Of It.

For those of you who are witty I guess you can tell from the title what this blog post is going to be about.
I guess it's because I've never gone down on a woman as to why I am so opinionated; the cats never got my tongue. I've been asked by so many to do a blog on religion and dating, so here it is.

I will be addressing the Abrahamic religion known as Christianity in this blog, the reason I haven't addressed the other two is that most of the people who read my blogs/tweets are Christians. Please proceed with an open mind. Like a parachute your mind can only work if it is open.

For Heaven’s Sake, I Hope We’re Not Dating for the Hell of It.

Now the other day I was bantering on twitter as I habitually do and somebody I follow asked a question on the lines of "Ladies, would you date a good man if he didn't believe in G-d/wasn't religious?" 

The responses left me flummoxed, most of the ladies said that they wouldn't date a “good man” if he wasn't a Christian/believed in G-d. So you'd overlook a guy who could potentially be a loving partner because he doesn't subscribe to the religion/faith you believe in? Let's just excogitate on that for a moment. The funny thing about it is that most of the girls who commented and said they wouldn't date a non-religious man had pictures of themselves in raves as their avatar. So I guess you don't want to date men who are not believers but you have no problem going to a rave and getting daggered to some Celine Dion? Cool blud, cool.

As much as it offended me slightly that these women would write-off a man who wasn't a believer, I don't blame them. The archaic religious texts which they subscribe to says
"I am the way the truth and life, no one comes to father except through me" (John 14:6). Their book advises them that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, meaning you must accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour, otherwise you’ll fry in some place called Hell for eternity. It's crazy how one says that the G-d of the bible is ‘just’ but will allow you to burn in a place called hell eternally...

Free moral choice requires there to be no coercion, yet the Abrahamic religions use coercion in order to get people to behave. With coercion, the choice is not free. And it doesn't get much more coercive than the threat of eternal torture. 
In saying the above the bible doesn't actually say that you cannot marry a non-believer. However, why would one as a believer want to date someone who doesn't adhere to their religion? As someone who believes in religious dogma you should want to meet your partner in heaven/paradise but if they are not someone who practices your faith according to scripture they won’t be where you’re going.

Can I Stroke The Cat? "You Have To Say 'I Do' First" But I Do ¬_¬

As you're aware Christianity is against sex before marriage, this is one hurdle that a non-believer and someone who is secular are going to have to meet at some point. There is no way on this earth a woman is telling me she wants to abstain from sex till marriage unless she is a virgin and then I will understand her reasoning. Otherwise I will insert. I won’t eat you, nor will I spoon you but I will fork you nicely.
If you've read my antecedent blog you will understand how the no sex before marriage ploy got introduced into the Abrahamic religions. The misogyny back in time was crazy. Women have come a long way. 

Here are a few scriptures to illustrate how important being a virgin was back then.

Numbers 31 vs 15-18
15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them.16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the LORD in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the LORD’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man,18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Genesis 19 5-8
5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” 6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”

Yet, even after this despicable act, Lot is still regarded as an honorable man, worth saving from the destruction of the city. Even though he is giving his daughters over to be raped and what was his convincing line? They are virgins.

Now sexual compatibility is very important when it comes to a relationship, let alone marriage. If the two of you can’t make each other climax you are going to have problems. Imagine waiting until marriage to have sex and then discovering your husband is nothing more than a bomb threat in the sheets, a Tick Tick Tick with no Boom Boom Pow.

He always turns up late to mine but always cums early. G-d, why? I never signed up for this ish.

What next? Can you really say that you will stay with someone who couldn't satisfy you sexually? Really?
I know of a few Christian girls who have met men and as soon as they drop this 'No Sex before Marriage' line the men disappear, vanish, gone, they do a Houdini on their ass. I guess for those who are believers, like a game of black jack, they're just going to have to deal with the hand they've been given. If the man does wait let’s just hope that his Queen’s a Slag in the bedroom, if not, there's no Bring Backs, the King can't reverse.
The bible states in Hebrews 13:4 "4 Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral".

So as you can see, it irrevocably states that having sex before marriage is a sin and one shouldn't do so but not only that one shouldn't be kissing either. As a Christian or someone dating a Christian you can't be like Scorcher and be on this lipsing ting, you shouldn't be kissing as this will incite lustful thoughts and you wouldn't want to do that now would you? Naughty, naughty.

It states in Matthew 5 28-29 that "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell".

Just harbouring sexual thoughts is a sin as far scripture is concerned, so as a Christian you shouldn't even be kissing as this will evoke sexual thoughts. Wowzas, kind of like the morning after bad sex it’s a hard pill to swallow.

So What Does The Bible Say About Divorce?

Now this is the part that irks me the most about the Abrahamic religion and marriage. From an anthropology point of view there is no evidence to ever suggest that Eros love lasts forever, none whatsoever. It is said that Eros love is at its highest stage of ecstasy between the first 36 months and after that is what is consider as auto pilot. You and I both know that one can fall out of Eros love with someone. So why on earth do we have religious texts stating that someone can only divorce on grounds of adultery or death? {Please note: A man can divorce on the grounds of adultery… a woman cannot.*Chortles*}.

Matthew 19 7-9
7 “Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?” 8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

Romans 7 2-3
"For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. 3 So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man".

So as you can see the only grounds for a woman to remarry is if she shanks her husband in the trachea or he dies.

Sorry but I refuse to be a spinster, you must die so I can remarry.

So basically if your partner beats you or if you and your partner are simply not getting along, as in you have fallen out of love, you are not to remarry. You're stuck with the bastardo, so please prop your pillow well well and lay in that bed.

Is This Life, Is This Really Life?

I'm going to tell you a true story here. A girl I know of got married at 21, divorced at 23 because the dude hit her. The dude was a Christian. She had no kids whilst married to him. She went on to meet another guy who she wanted to marry but the man’s parents objected stating that as her husband is still alive she is not allowed to remarry as it is against scripture. So she has two choices; kill the dude or join a nunnery. Remember she isn't allowed to have sex before marriage which means she can't have any kids the natural way. So what is she meant to do with the next 50 odd years of her life? Oh what a life, I feel for the girl. The girl is just depressed, there is nothing she can do or is there? I'm such a sneaky fooker, I don't give A-dam ask Sandler .

There is one thing she has forgotten about her religion, the biggest loophole which people seem to forget.
As a Christian you cannot undo the work of Christ on the cross, you cannot. You are not saved by works. That is the major difference between Islam and Christianity. In Islam it is said that one has to do good to get to paradise as well as be a follow of Allah. However to make heaven as a Christian all one has to do is accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal saviour. The bible states that our good deeds are like filthy rags in the eyes of the Lord. One is only saved by grace. A lot of Christians do not understand this.

Romans 8 38-39
8 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Click this link, it will further explain how one cannot lose their salvation... http://www.av1611.org/etern.html.

So yes that is the loop hole of Christianity, I have advised her that she can remarry.  Look at Juanita Bynum, she has married more than once! There are numerous pastors preaching now who have remarried. You cannot undo the work of Christ on the cross; your sin is not greater than the blood he shed on Calvary. If any men tells you otherwise it is heresy, slap his lips.

The funniest thing about religion is that a Jew will swear he has the right religion, a Christian too, a Muslim will say Walahi. Well you all can't be telling the truth, can you? ¬_¬ 

Oh look what we have here, all three representatives of the Abrahmic  Religions meeting in Bosnia. Interesting.

Why don't we just obliterate the Abrahamic religions all together? We don't need to follow religion to know a man didn't create the sun. The three Abrahamic religions all agree that there is one G-d, so why is it that they all seem to be worshiping three different G-d's? Why is it that each of them has made their religion exclusive, to the point that if I am not a follower I'm hell bound? To the point that it stops one from dating someone who is not a follower of one's chosen religion.

Well hey, as a deist (someone who believes in the creator but doesn't subscribe to religion) it would be nice if we could all just get along. G-d isn't a Muslim, Christian nor is he a Jew. These are all man made constructs and should not stop us mortals from dating one another. It's sad to think that a woman who is a Muslim is not allowed to date me because of texts written thousands of years ago.

Surely Eros love should have no barrier, Eros love should be the most important thing when it comes to two people getting together, not a social construct put together by man. Yes, religion is based on faith and faith is simply having a belief but it's a shame that these beliefs can stop one from finding love or hold one hostage in a marriage they don't want to be in.

Eros Love and Sex are the two things we can give to someone free of charge that can put a smile on ones face and transfer vibrations and energy of love. 

The exchange of energy through sex when done consciously can expand ones mind the vibrations shared can elevate one.

How can two people having sex outside of marriage be deemed as an immoral act but owning a slave and bashing them on the head isn't?  Don't off piss me!

Exodus 21 20-21
 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property".

For those of you who are religious, I understand your plight but I would implore you to research thoroughly about the origin of the faith you follow and understand why the Abrahamic religions were put in place. 

A film called the Zeitgeist will help as well as a book called 'The Book of the Dead'.

(Here is a link the film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guXirzknYYE .)

Religion shouldn't stop two people who love each other from getting married; marriage doesn't have anything to do with the creator. It is a manmade construct/concept. The church should have never got involved.
Remember marriage and religion came after humans, not before. The Quran, Talmud and Bible were all written by men who claim to have been inspired by G-d ¬_¬.

Religion was invented at a time when people didn't have a clue what the hell was going on, 2000 years later we've advanced. Science has helped us to understand things we once had no answers to. G-d was the answer to everything. 

The most important thing is the message and not the messenger, whether it comes from Jesus,Mohammed or Buddha. The message was; G-d loves you. So should religion really stop two people from loving one another? Should it stop two people dating? I leave that for you to decide.

The inception has been planted, it is for you to do some research for yourself, but in saying all that...

If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.