As most of you know I have a book coming out in January. The book will be called *drum rolls*... "Lying Fully Clothed, While Exposing The Naked Truth About Men". *Chortles*... I can see some of you men shaking your heads, no lotion. We have to bear this in mind, the more girls we fark about with, the harder we make it for ourselves and them *excuse the pun*. As I always state I am no angel, far from it but I will never propose to give a girl the world and then buy her an atlas. If we keep acting like Liverpool and keep giving women false hope, like a police line up they are just going to have their backs up against the wall.
The book will basically be that older brother/dad which so many women never had, just helping them to try and understand how the mind of a player works. Energy doesn't die, it is just transferred. Bitter mums do not raise sweethearts. The cycle needs to end at some point.
Her: I want to get a white bear. Him: But you're already bi-polar.
Anyway enough of the preamble, get your napkins out and let's get tucked in.
Don't Have Casual Sex, If You Can't Handle Having Sex Casually.
As homo-sapiens it is an innate propensity that the male and female species will be attracted to each other for the sake of reproduction. This cannot be helped, even though the mores have tried to stifle this by adding no sex before marriage into religious texts. These rules were put in place because in primitive times we were rather uncivilized, we was shagging around recklessly (like things have really changed now). The only difference now is that we have methods of contraception which we never had then. Are you aware that it is only humans, dolphins and I believe pigs who mate for pleasure, the others do so solely to procreate. It was because of this coupled with the fact that women were deemed as property back in the day that the mores enforced the 'no sex before marriage' stance and then used religion to further reinforce it. So it's no longer man saying it but now G-d. We have to bear in mind that both religion and marriage are social constructs made by man. The no sex before marriage ploy was used for population control and for commerce because if a woman was a virgin, she came at a high price.
Step right up, step right up... Yup, women used to get auctioned off back in time.
So yes, Mars and Venus, whether or not they planet, will find space in time to comet sexual acts. As a woman you have to ask yourself one thing, can I handle casual sex? Most men's hearts are not attached to their genitals but unfortunately most of you women's hearts are. So like autumn, it leaves you at a disadvantage. Hence, catching feelings.
Before you do the splits on a mofo, you need to settle in your head what exactly you want from him. If you simply want the long poking and deep stroking by all means ride the wagon til the wheels fall off. However if its a relationship you want from him, you need to make your intentions known, it is imperative. At least give the man a chance to think before sleeping with you. I have turned down sex numerous times, they are men out there who aren't controlled by their penis. If a woman tells me she wants me to be her man and I don't want a relationship with her, like foreskin, I pull pack. My hairline has only recently stopped moonwalking because I have less stress. If sex is going to come with drama, I'd rather not. You need to lay your cards on the table so a man knows what your intentions are. If you don't, you can't complain if you get uninsured driver treatment (hit and run). The act of sex does not necessarily mean that he wants to be with you.
To most of us men, sex is just sex. It's you women that tend to catch feelings. Yes I am aware there are men out there who will lie to you to get the cat but you should know by now not to sleep with a man on what he has said, take him on his actions. But in saying that, a man can play Mr Nice Guy just to get the cat.
Finally. So my smooth words have worked, now I can work her like a 9-5.
That's why I say, only sleep with a guy on your onus. If you're going to let a man twang you out of your draws, you only have yourself to blame. When ones actions don't sync with their words... It's for you to use discernment and discretion before letting the swine worship in your shrine. You're not from Moscow, so why are you Russian to open your legs? Please bear in mind that he is most likely stroking another woman's cat, so you not spreading your legs at the first hurdle isn't really going to bother him. Once he leaves you, he will most likely go to Sandra's and do the do.
So What Are You Saying Dear Rob? He's A Sexy Beast, X Marks The Spot And He Seems Nothing Like My X-Men.
There isn't anything wrong in having sex as long as there is clarity, it is so so needed. I am a man, I only mass debate in group discussions, so therefore I will have sex. It is for you to determine whether or not you can handle that as a woman. No one forces you to have sex with a man, make your intentions clear, if you don't want aggro. *excuse the pun*
So yes, let's excise the BritneySpears, we all know the difference between oBama and oSama is BS, so lets be real.
If you can't handle casual sex, stay of his knob and refuse to take a turn. If your feelings get hurt, don't complain.
Oh and before I end, what is this seeing each other thing that some of you ladies have adopted. Is your vision impaired? Please stop sweeting yourselves. If you are not in a relationship, you are single. Stop with all the fancy titles. If you find out he is seeing another woman or sleeping with someone else, please don't make a fool of yourself and start bickering. You are not in a relationship. If he wanted to be in a relationship with you, he would. When a man sees a good thing, he grabs and holds on to it.
Until you are his official girl, please save your feelings and emotions.
It's either you're his girl or you're not. It's one or the other. If you aren't, take the di4k for what it is... Di4k.
I am not emotionless; I've just learnt to use my emotions less. Oh and lads, if you have to lie to a girl to get sex, you aren't a big mac, you're small fry.
If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.
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