Sunday, 21 August 2011

If I Sleep With Him, Will He Respect Me In The Morning?

Heya, heya, heya heya. It's me again, back like an unwanted ex, you ladies must hate it when a ex who farked up tries to wiggle his way back in, bloodyclart worm.

Anywho, with a much a do about nothing lets get tucked in and put this matter to bed.

DEAR.ROB, The Cat's Purring, Sheba Is Crying Out For Him.

Looking at a man and getting cold shivers is commonplace, it's what a fine boy with one pimple can do to you. 

Feel free , go an take the batteries out the sky remote and ramp with your rabbit.

The question is, what to do with this lasciviousness? Well, well, well, give him the cat init. I kid, I kid, I kid. Before even sleeping with a man you have to ask yourself one thing. " Will we be able to stand If I fell pregnant for him? Does he have the resources to maintain a family? "YOU SEE THAT GUY YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH, CAN HE AFFORD TO HAVE KIDS? IF NOT, WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH HIM?" *puts megaphone down*.

Her: You're such a wasteman, Him: But you still slept with me.

Yes Sheba may be yearning for him, yes the butterflies may be swirling in your stomach but seriously. Can this dude that is making Sheba salivate raise a family if you were to get pregnant? *chomp on that for a hot Nigerian minute*. 

Before we even address the point of "Will he respect me in the morning?". Ask yourself another question, are you respecting your womb? Are you aware that 4/10 pregnancies are unplanned? She's calling him a pussio and he's calling her derk head, oh the irony. And for no minute am I putting the blame on women but as history has proved a man can do an Osama Bin Hidingblow your belly up and leave you with the aftermath and there will be nothing DR.Dre can do it about it.

OK, DEAR.ROB, Everything Seems In Cheque, Can I Let Him Make A Deposit Into My Account?

Never ever sleep with a man on what he has told you, like 50 centmany men are salesmen, they will pitch you, promise you the world and then give you an atlas. Well hey, he did as he promised. 

OK, you can stop whining now, here you go, I did promise you the world didn't I.

Please I come to you in the name of Iqbal Jahasaphat of the seven seas and treacherous waters, never ever sleep with a man on his words, never ever. Oh and if you're wondering who Iqbal is, his picture is below.
Sleep with a man on your onus. Sleep with him when you feel comfortable in doing so. Some men have a silver tongue, and they wont even use it to go down on you. Certain man will tell you they love you, just to get a slice of the cake. Some men will tell you that they will blow you up in the bedroom, this time they're nothing more than a bomb threat. A tick tick with no boom boom pow. The discipline some men put into trapping Sheba, if they put the same zeal into their careers they wouldn't have to chase the cat and end up with it getting stuck up a tree. 

If you sleep with a man on what he has said to you, you may end up falling and if he hasn't got a parachute for you, what next? The 1st thing on most (not all) men's minds when they see a fine specimen of a wombmans venturing across the abyss on a fine summers day is SEX, SEX, SEX. From the moment some men get your number they are writing their contingency plan, their thesis on how they will attack the cat. They are forming their rap, so that they can get the beat and not be left with an accapella. In order to get the cat, some men have to make an impression, while some men are impressionable. Two different things. A man who has to sing a Donnel Jones rendition to try and get to Sheba is trying to make an impression, the men who let their credentials speak for them are impressionable. The truth does not meed a mouth piece to speak for it.  

Before you become clumsy and drop your draws, ask yourself "what do I want from this?" Is it just sex or do I actually want him as my man? This is simply for you, has nothing to do with the man. If a man sole intention is to JUST BLAZE and make you a beat, whatever you have conjured up in your head is irrelevant. This is just to get your own mind into perspective as to whether you intend to affix your emotions or not. This is the ultimate decider I believe, on whether you get hurt or not. Sex is serious ting when a man knows how the reach the cervix. "Dick power be no joke oh". When a man can leave your left leg shaking and leave your kitty cat throbbing the next day for some more action, "it be no small ting". Good dick will get you hooked like a crack fiend. 
Di3k the new crack. Karen is currently being rehabilitated, all is well she should be out next week.
Certain men will not care whether you can swim or not, they will feel no way drowning you with their backstroke. As stated only free up the cat when you feel comfortable. I will let you into a secret, if you have already told a man he is not getting the cat and he some how twangs you into getting it, it will put you at a disadvantage as he now knows that you can be coerced into having sex which may mean that some next man could also do the same. Stick to your guns, if you've told him no, no is no. Don't deceive yourself by letting him kiss you, don't let him get a stroke of the fanjita. It's better you stick to your guns than giving him the satisfaction that he was able to wiggle his worm into your apple

Can I hit it in the morning? No C.Brown, " but will you respect me?"

I had the unfortunate circumstance of reading a book by a man who was saying that women should implement a 90 day rule in regards to having sex with a man. So in other words a woman should make a man wait 3 months before allowing him to make a deposit in her princess purse. Now what I would like to know, is what that proves? Is this supposed to make a man respect you more? Well I beg to differ. If you're a bit of a loose goose and he does his HPI check on you, you making him wait one year doesn't make a difference. Sorry there ain't no born again virgins round her mate. If the 3 months is to see whether he is interested in you, or to see whether he has self control, I ask you one question, are you going to smell his fingers and his penis every time he walks through the door? I will let you in on something, when some men chat up women they are already tucking someone in on the side, they are already hitting their balls into the back of the net. So whilst some men are waiting to get the cat, they are more than likely stroking someone else's in the mean time. So you making him wait means Nathan, it doesn't prove he is a gentleman. I know many a man who have taken a girl on a date, dropped her home and then drove to Sandra's to give her the pipe. When a man meets a girl, more time he knows what his intentions are for her. Men are not indecisive by nature. It wasn't a mistake as to why you remained a link. It's your character that matters. Put it this way, if your HPI check comes back with discrepancies, as stated earlier you making me wait means narda. All I would say to you is that if you want to encourage a man to take you serious avoid sleeping with him on the 1st night but even in doing this, If your character is good, he can and may hold unto you. 

The respect doesn't only come from the act of sex, it comes from your background check. If a man knows you're a bit of a loose goose, loose goose meaning you sleep with more than one man on the same cycle, no pushbike or you get treated like pass the parcel, as in you've slept with numerous men in the same camp/scene. As stated you making him wait is irrelevant. Yes there are men out there who will wife these girls but an exception to the rule does not disprove it

You can make a man wait 5 weeks for the sex, remember women tend to find it hard to go back financially when it comes to dating and men tend to find it hard to go back sexually. If the sex is wack you making him wait may leave you at a disadvantage because now you've grown feelings for dude and he no longer wants to play with kitty. Just a bit of food for thought. 

That myth that the longer you make a man wait the more he will respect you is nonsense as far as I am concerned. There are men in this world who may say the duration matters that is because they've always had to wait, that being because women most probably didn't find them sexually attractive, so it was their personality that grew on them, No Mark Morrison. 

Watch the  link, it's a clip from 'Love Jones'.  It's important to build a rapport with a man, this leads to gaining respect.
Men shouldn't confuse the two. A woman making you wait doesn't necessarily mean that she is a good girl, she may simply not fancy you like that. Just remember "the same girl that you treat nice, next man have just run thru". For every pretty girl back on the market, just remember someone was tired of shagging her. Sounds harsh but it's reality. If I would give any advice on whether he would respect you in the morning I would say it boils down to the man, as not every man is the same. So I would say that the best thing to do is to avoid sleeping with a man on the first night if you actually see any potential in him. If it's just sex you require, pfffttt go ahead do your thing, what ever puts a jam in your doughnut. As I have continuously stressed it's your character and HPI check that will determine whether a man will respect you. In my experience and talking with the many dogs I have had the pleasure of mingling with, this is what has become a reality.

With all the above said, bare this in mind, there's something some of us men call 'the chat', 'the chat' is that lengthy conversation you have with a woman which opens the floodgates, 'that chat' that basically seals the beat. 'That chat' that when you hang up you actually don't realise you was talking for that long. It's 'that chat' where, even you as a female are like "hmmmmmmmmmmmm, I like this guys flavour". 

Think back to 'that chat' that you have had with a guy that put you at ease, that conversation where you put your mitts down and finally dropped your guard and decided that you want to see whats in his boxers. It's 'that chat' that is needed to give a guy confidence that you've actually attempted to get to know him. You can't expect a guy to respect you when you are sleeping with him and you don't even know what he does for a living, where he lives, ETC. There are some fundamentals that you as a woman should now about a man before you open sesame and let him put his big bird in your play centre. Well Julia knows best, Man I'm giving away to much here (bet that went over head). You've got to have 'that conversation', don't forget 'that conversation'. Very important.

So in closing, I say.

Let me pose a question, errmmmmm where has getting to know someone actually got us? Can we ever really get to know someone? Do people not change? What does getting to know someone mean? After you know his name, age, what he does for a living, whether he has kids, whether he is packing ( no vacation ) after you've known the fundamentals what really is there left to know? We as men can play 'Perfect Paul' and take you on strolls down the Damascus Road prior to getting the cat, it's after then, that you may realise that things aren't always black and white and see his true colours
It's in a humans disposition to act in a way that will favour them at the beginning. Hence why many a man will get the job and then get sacked, why is that? Yes there are some people who are genuine but that you will never know until you take the risk. 
Sleep with a man on your onus not on what he has said to you. Making a man wait three months doesn't mean ish, that's if you're using this as method to gauge whether he can curb his sex urge. I am bold enough to say that most men are beating something on the side and I don't mean a talking drum, OK Fella ( bet you missed the pun there). If you want to get to know a guy before sleeping with him by all means do so to satisfy YOURSELF, yes I said YOURSELF. If a mans intention is to do uninsured driver on you and hit and run, he will.

Click the link and listen to the song. This is why you need to be clear what you want.
After speaking to few of the lads today I will leave you with this. Don't sleep with a guy on the 1st encounter/date, make sure you get to know something about him, this could be having lengthy conversations on the phone. It is imperative that you have made an attempt to know something about him before spreading your legs like gossip. You don't want to be the talk of the town. Also your HPI check is crucial, if you fail that all that has proceeded is like a breast with no nipple, pointless.

If you're looking for a man to complete you, you've missed the whole point.

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