Saturday, 25 June 2011

Why Wont He Make Me Wifey? I'm Tired Of This Shet.

Hey, hey... It's your favourite ranter... Dear.Robbo. How art thou doing?

Just a quick shout out to the guys who tell girls they want to be in a relationship just to stroke the cat... That isn't game, that's lame.

Now lets get the knife and fork out and dissect exactly what it is that triggers that signal to the putamen that makes a man say " Yep that's wifey" or nope "That's one nighty" but before I do this let me just break down what it was that made a man want to settle down in the 1st place.

Brief history lesson

The home is simply a sociological establishment. Marriage stems out of compliance in self-maintenance and affiliation in self-perpetuation, the aspect of self-gratification being largely incidental. Howbeit, the home does encircle all three of the fundamental functions of human existence, while life propagation makes it the fundamental human institution, and sex sets it off from all other social activities.

Marriage wasn't  established on sex relations; they were adventitious thereto. Marriage was not needed by primitive man, who gratified his sexual appetite freely without burdening himself with the responsibilities of wife, children, and home.
Woman, due to physical and emotional attachment to her offspring, is reliant on co-operation with the male, and this drives her into the sheltering protection of marriage. No direct biologic stimulus led man into marriage — much less held him in. It wasn't love that made marriage attractive to man, but food hunger which first allured savage man to woman and the primitive shelter shared by her children. <<<<<<< take note with that last statement it is very crucial...very.

SO What Is It Dear.Rob That Makes A Man Think She Isn't Ms Right But Ms  Right Now?

I will start by saying 99.9% of the time a man knows whether he intends to take you seriously or whether you are going to be a link... Its not a fluke that you were just kept hanging around like a pair of double f's with no bra for months on end. He had no intention of making you wife. As I have said before men are not indecisive by nature. If you're seeing a man for more than 3 months and he is uhmmmming and arrrrghhiiinnnng in most circumstances you are going to be a link.

If he is dedicating time to you in that 3 months and the time you spend together is intense. It is enough time in most circumstances for him to determine what he wants to do with you.

A woman who can keep a home and can cook will always be a keep-her. The way to a mans heart is in his belly, the sex is not enough. When a man has a woman who can sex good but the food is wacko and the house is not a home, please be aware that he may have a side chick a.k.a sweetcorn who is filling the gap, hence why he wasn't hungry.

Women Who Rave A Lot.

This for many men is a huge turn off... Very huge turn off. A woman who is on the scene  who is 'every bodies' friend in most cases will never be taken serious ( obviously there are exceptions to the rule but that does not disprove the rule).

Don't even make me start with this foolish song..." Ladies leave your man at home the club is full of ballers"... What kind of hoeish lyrics is she spewing? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

No man wants a woman who raves all the time, no man wants a commercial chick. This is one thing that is rendering you nothing more than a beat. When you're that girl that is in every photographer's album, like mercy from eastenders it is not a good look. In saying that, doesn't Mercy with her coloured weave remind you of Mufasa (apologies for digressing).

A woman who raves a lot is an instant no no. This will automatically put you in the friends box, don't worry feel free to network in there; you aren't alone.

The Way She Markets Herself
You are the marketing force that drives your campaign. Dressing like a woman of the night in most cases will leave you with what is known as oyster card syndrome... Touch and go. The way you dress is so important, so important and it seems like a lot of you woman haven't grasped this. The manner in which some of you dress when going out is SHOCKING, seriously shocking.

Now this girl will not be made wifey, he is just going to do uninsured driver on her, and hit and run. Please don't sit there shaking your head, the vast majority of you dress like this and if you don't, your friend does.
You don't need to expose your whole body to be sexy. A bit of decorum is oh so needed. A man looking at her is thinking one thing...SEX SEX SEX. He is not thinking wifey.

Now the above picture shows four girls just standing around with their bits out (yes there are few men out there that will make them wifey but an exception to the rule does not disprove it). The moment a man of any caliber sees this, he will spit his coffee all over his laptop screen. A lot of you girls take pictures of yourselves in your underwear and then post them on face book. These sorts of things are nothing short of a cry for sexual admiration. You put the pics up and then you get the swines clicking like on them and making stupid asinine comments. In most cases these girls never have as many comments on their pics when they are fully clothed... What a shame? Like arsenals season.

Her Character

This here is so crucial. I asked a few of the lads what was the deciding factor in what made you want to settle with your missus and here are a few of the statements they made:

" In the time I was wooing her, trying to get the ass, I got to know her and realised she kept me smiling". Highlighting word 'kept me smiling'. Some of you girls are just miserable sods. I keep telling women the longer you stay in a broken relationship the worse you make it for you and your new partner.

A woman with a cheerful disposition will always be wanted around. A women who's face looks like it was baptised in lime juice will not.

Another quote "She was thoughtful, helpful and had initiative". I have to applaud that, both my exes had the exact same qualities.

Thoughtful and helpful...a woman who actually wants to help. That doesn't have to be coerced or cajoled. You're on the phone to a man and he says he might go to Birmingham tomorrow but doesn't know the train times. A thoughtful, helpful woman with initiative will put on the laptop and find out times and where he can get the train from. I don't think you understand how much points you get for that. When a man and woman can work in unison there is no greater partnership, none.

Your demeanor is so crucial, being a pleasant woman will get you far with a man. One thing you lovely ladies need to understand is that it's not everything you need to argue about. A nagging woman will not make wifey, she will not. I left home 6 years plus i don't need a woman nagging me, thank you very much amen please. He left the toiler seat up, " So , there a kids dying in 3rd world countries, next argument please ". Just put the seat down, it's not that big a deal.

A man wants a woman he can feel free around, a woman he can chill with. It is imperative that there is a common interest between the two of you.

In the clip it is apparent that Taye diggs and Nia long shared a common interest.

If the man you are interested in likes football, go and read up about it. It shows you care, you will gain 10000000000000000000000 ( sorry got carried away with the 0's) points by simply understanding the offside rule and knowing what is going on in the football world.

If the man you are interested in likes computer games the simple fact that you and him play together forms a common interest.

If all you two have in common is sex, then sex is what it will be. A common interest between the two of you is crucial. Most men are sleeping with more than one woman, not saying it is a competition but you need to stick out like nipples on a cold day.

One of my exes I met in the gym, so we used to go to the gym together and that was our common ground. So we would train together.

I knew from the get go I wanted her to be my girl but what sealed the deal was the fact she didn't mind coming out with me when I was sourcing cars, that meant a lot to me.

Credit Checks

It's at this hurdle I would say 70% of you fail as to why you don't reach wifey status. London is a very small place. You can't get away with shit. If you have been a slag in your past, it will creep up on you. When a man wants to take a girl serious he will run his HPI.

He wants to make sure you are not on finance, ensure your mileage hasn't been tampered and verify that you haven't been written off. It's a shame really because it's us guys who make woman slags, coupled with some women's naivety.
I keep telling girls who like to have sex that the travelcard extends past zone 4. Travel off ends. You can't keep sleeping with guys in the same camp, you cant. News spreads. As much as you are a good sport, you wont make wifey (but hey they are exceptions to the rule but this does not disprove the rule).

If a man asks you how many men you have slept with, please if it is over ten, lie lie lie, lie like your mattress depends on it. Even if he has told you that he has slept with 85, please do not think that gives you right to tell him 14. You will be handed your p 60 noicely. I implore you, muda tuckking lie.

Nobody wants to think of your previous notches and then envisage the whole of the arsenal football team, it's not a good look.

Suicidal Moves On Social Networks And Extra Curricular Activities.

The kind of things some you girls say on social networks is enough to call you IQBAL (suicide bombers), even if you were drunk., why do you fell the need to tell the whole of twitter? It is not something commendable in a mans eyes. No man is going to want his missus to be coming home smashed out of her head. If my missus came home drunk, I will lock her in the toilet, she can sleep in there. As far as I am concerned, it is not lady like. These things will keep you as a link.

Posting stupid videos and pictures of yourself on the Internet. It is not needed, as much as you may see it as fun, it is suicidal. Below is a video clip of some girl prancing around wiggling her butt. This kind of girl my mum will never see.

Only G-d knows why women do this and then complain they cant find a good man. Shit attracts flies.

I was seeing a girl a year back. This girl was hot, blah blah blah then she disclosed to me that she does music videos. I then saw a calendar she was in. I said "hell to the mf no" to that. So one day I will go to my mates house and see him bashing with the lotion over a pic of my chick. G-d forbid bad ting. I handed her, her p45...damn  she was good to me *reminisces*.

Many a woman have blurted their business over social networks, it's not a good look. Look at exhibit A:

You see, suicidal, just ruined her career, double studded tackled herself.

In closing

Each and every man will have his little tick list of things he refuses to accept in a woman. For some it's women with weave. So that man will sleep with her, yes he will but she will never be Ms Right she will be Ms Right Now. Don't for one second think that a man sleeping with you means he likes you. You will be pleasantly embarrassed.

For some men it's kids. some men refuse to date women with kids so that could be his gripe.

The fact that you move with loose gooses is another reason why he may say hell no. I cant take you serious.

The fact that you are broke could be another reason. And not be showing a drive to get out of that situation.

If you are not bringing anything to the table you will not eat.

When I was on my face back in 05, I left girls the hell alone.

The ultimate killer could be the simple fact that you know to much road man. This here is an instant turn off. Going through your pics and seeing you with 'killermanwithoneshotifimissstabhim' is not going to get you any points, it is not. Take those pictures down. The social network has ruined it for a lot of you girls.

As stated earlier your character is crucial. With any man you are dating, you have to find a common ground so one can put a vocal to the track and make a beautiful ensemble. If not you will be nothing more than a beat.

You lovely ladies have to learn to give things in rations. You cant be cooking, cleaning, polishing the tv and him, bringing him lunch as a link. If you are doing all of that as link, why should he upgrade you? Show him you can cook and then *pause*. Show him you can suck a mean dick and then *pause*. Show him the levels and then halt. Some of you are doing way too much. Show him the levels and then let him know if he wants more of this, he knows what he needs to do.

Needless to say if your sex is wack. You will never make wifey. In fact these girls get lost like a set of keys in the abyss...but hey G-d is good and Chambord it twasty. Most men cant go back sexually and most women cant go back financially, it's just what it is.

If you're looking for a man to complete you...You've missed the whole point.


  1. *Standing ovation* You just get better x

  2. SO ON POINT, any lady who doesn't agree with this is in denial or doesn't like the truth of what you have said. But we NEED to know this!

  3. Another good one would like to see a part 2 to this perhaps?...Women who reach "wifey status" but will wait around for years to become the actual wife. Why do men do this?
